
User talk:Yakovenko

From Encyclopedia of Mathematics
Revision as of 17:01, 15 April 2012 by Ulf Rehmann (talk | contribs)
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Hi, welcome aboard of EoM.

I just checked and found 331 EoM pages with at least one of your favoured keywords: "singularities, limit cycles, normal forms, invariant manifolds, foliations"

If you want I could include here a list of links to those pages. --Ulf Rehmann 12:41, 15 April 2012 (CEST)

Hi Ulf! Yes, please include these links.
I will gradually learn the habits of the Wiki community. The first question is how to post answers/comments in the "Talk" pages: this one I do manually, but hopefully there should be some interface for such conversations (threaded or not).
Thanks -- Sergei.
Well, see below. It is probably not a good idea to let this spam your talk page so maybe you put it into a separate page. I have something similar on my user page, a bit pre-sorted by now, but was started with a list like the below.
For editing, you can use your favoured editor, I have given hints on the help page, look for "It's all text".--Ulf Rehmann 15:29, 15 April 2012 (CEST)
For the pages below, I have applied a program which inserts MR and ZBL numbers automatically. It does make mistakes, in particular sometimes it proposes too many entries, so please check. --Ulf Rehmann 19:01, 15 April 2012 (CEST)

331 files containing one of these keywords: "singularities|limit cycles|normal forms|invariant manifolds|foliation"

3-Sasakian manifold | Abelian differential | Abelian integral | Abel theorem | Abhyankar–Moh theorem | Acyclic group | Adaptive quadrature | Adjoint action | Adjunction theory | Alfvén waves | Algebraic function | Algebraic geometry | Algebraic surface | Algebraic topology | Algebraic variety | Algebra of logic | Algorithm, local | Analytic capacity | Analytic continuation | Analytic function | Analytic space | Analytic theory of differential equations | Approximation of functions | Arrangement of hyperplanes | Automatic control theory | Auto-oscillation | Average rotation | Baumslag-Solitar group | Bergman integral operator | Bernstein problem in differential geometry | Betti reciprocal theorem | Beurling-Lax theorem | Bézier spline | Bifurcation | Birational geometry | Birkhoff normal form | Birkhoff-Rott equation | Blow-up algebra | Bogolyubov theorem | Boolean function | Boolean functions, metric theory of | Boolean functions, minimization of | Boolean functions, normal forms of | Bordism | Borel transform | Boundary value problem, elliptic equations | Boundary value problem, numerical methods for partial differential equations | Braid theory | Branching of solutions | Branching point (of a minimal surface) | Buchsbaum ring | Canadian lynx series | Cancellation of singularities | Cassini oval | Caustic | C-convexity | Centre manifold | Centro-focus | Chasles-Cayley-Brill formula | Classifying space | Cluster set | Cobordism | Cobordism of knots | Codimension | Codimension-two bifurcations | Commutative algebra | Complete analytic function | Completely-integrable differential equation | Conjunctive normal form | Contact surgery | Continuity theorem | Control system | Cousin problems | Covering and packing | Critical point | Cyclic cohomology | Dead-end disjunctive normal form | Deformation | Degree of a mapping | Diffeomorphism | Difference scheme, variational | Differentiable manifold | Differential equation, ordinary | Differential equation, partial, complex-variable methods | Differential equation, partial, discontinuous initial (boundary) conditions | Differential equation, partial, free boundaries | Differential equation, partial, with singular coefficients | Differential games | Differential geometry of manifolds | Differential on a Riemann surface | Differential topology | Diffraction, mathematical theory of | Dirac monopole | Discrete analysis | Discrete programming | Discrete space-time | D-module | Double-periodic function | Double plane | Duality | Duality in complex analysis | Dynamical system | Dynamical systems software packages | Edge of regression | Ehresmann connection | Eikonal equation | Elliptic integral | Envelope | Euler-Lagrange equation | Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation | Excellent ring | Extension theorems | Fejér polynomial | Finitely-determined function | Finite-to-one mapping | Flag structure | Fold | Foliation | Fourier hyperfunction | Fourier integral operator | Fraïssé characterization of elementary equivalence | Fredholm solvability | Frobenius theorem on Pfaffian systems | Fuchsian equation | Function of exponential type | Gas dynamics, numerical methods of | Gauss-Manin connection | Gel'fond-Schneider method | Generalized function algebras | General position | Generating operator of a semi-group | Geometric approximation | Geometric measure theory | Geometry | Geometry in the large | Germ | Gevrey class | Grammar form | Gravitation, theory of | Green function | Hadamard theorem | Haefliger structure | Harmonic function | Harmonic mapping | Hartogs theorem | Hilbert problems | Hodge structure | Homoclinic bifurcations | Homogeneous convex cone | Horocycle flow | H-principle | Huygens principle | Hyperbolic partial differential equation, numerical methods | Hypergeometric equation | Hypersurface | Immersion | Index formulas | Index theory | Integral manifold | Integral representation of an analytic function | Integral representations in multi-dimensional complex analysis | Intermediate Jacobian | Intersection homology | Invariant set | Invariants, theory of | Isolated singular point | Isometric immersion | Isoperimetric inequality | Jacobi variety | Jet | Jordan matrix | Kähler-Einstein manifold | Kawamata rationality theorem | Kawamata-Viehweg vanishing theorem | K-contact-flow | Kempf vanishing theorem | Kneser theorem | Knot theory | Kontsevich integral | Künneth formula | Lamination | Laurent series | Legendre manifold | Lewy operator and Mizohata operator | Lie algebroid | Limit cycle | Linear algebra software packages | Linear differential equation in a Banach space | Linear hyperbolic partial differential equation and system | Linear system | Local tomography | Local uniformization | Manifold | Many-valued logic | Massless field | Mathematical ecology | Meromorphic function | Method of characteristics | Minimal model | Minimal set | Minimal surface | Mittag-Leffler theorem | Model for calculations | Moment problem | Monge-Ampère equation | Monodromy transformation | Monoidal transformation | Mori theory of extremal rays | Morse lemma | Morse-Smale system | Morse theory | Movable singular point | Naked singularity | Negative curvature, surface of | Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation | Non-linear dynamics | Non-linear oscillations | Non-self-adjoint operator | Normal analytic space | Normal form | Open book decomposition | Operator vessel | Orbit | Padé approximation | Painlevé-type equations | Papperitz equation | Penrose cosmic censorship | Perfect normal form | Periodic point | Periodic solution | Period mapping | Pesin theory | Pfaffian problem | Phase space | Plane real algebraic curve | Plücker formulas | Poincaré-Bendixson theory | Poincaré-Dulac theorem | Poincaré return map | Polynomial convexity | Predator-prey system | Prenex formula | Pseudo-differential operator | Pseudo-group | Pseudo-manifold | Pseudo-Riemannian space | Quadratic differential | Quadrature-sum method | Qualitative theory of differential equations in Banach spaces | Quasi-averages, method of | Radiative transfer theory | Rational mapping | Rational singularity | Real algebraic variety | Recursions of higher degrees | Reduced normal form | Regularization | Regular ring (in commutative algebra) | Regular scheme | Relativistic astrophysics, mathematical problems in | Relaxation oscillation | Removable set | Representation of a topological group | Residue form | Residue of an analytic function | Resolution of singularities | Resonance terms | Riemann surface | Riemann surfaces, conformal classes of | Riemann theorem | Root system | Rosinger nowhere-dense generalized function algebra | Saddle-node bifurcation | Sard theorem | Satake compactification | Schwarz alternating method | Seifert conjecture | Seifert fibration | Semi-algebraic set | Semi-group of operators | Singular integral equation | Singularities of differentiable mappings | Singularity | Singular point | Small parameter, method of the | Spectral theory | Spectral theory of differential operators | Stationary phase, method of the | Statistical mechanics, mathematical problems in | Statistical physics, mathematical problems in | Steenrod problem | Stefan problem | Steklov problems | Submanifold | Subvariety, involutive | Symmetric function | System of subvarieties | Szegö limit theorems | Tacnode | Tangent cone | Taylor joint spectrum | Teichmüller mapping | Thom-Boardman singularities | Thom–Boardman singularities | Thom catastrophes | Tight and taut immersions | Toeplitz C*-algebra | Topological dynamics | Train track | Turbulence, mathematical problems in | Turbulent system | Two-dimensional manifold of bounded curvature | Two-dimensional problems in fracture mechanics | Undecidability | Unipotent element | Universal behaviour in dynamical systems | Vanishing cycle | Variation of Hodge structure | Vector field on a manifold | Wave front | Weak singularity | Weierstrass point | Weierstrass theorem | Weil algebra of a Lie algebra | Weyl algebra | Weyl calculus | Weyl quantization | Whitney extension theorem | Wiener field | Zariski-Lipman conjecture | Zonal harmonics |

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Yakovenko. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL: