
User:Boris Tsirelson

From Encyclopedia of Mathematics
Revision as of 18:02, 23 April 2012 by Boris Tsirelson (talk | contribs) (→‎Some statistics: 190+ articles with 190+ views each)
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My homepage at School of Mathematics, Tel Aviv University.

My user pages on other wikis: Wikipedia, Citizendium, Knowino

My research interests are in probability.

My contributions

Measurable space (900+ views) + Standard Borel space (300+ views) + Analytic Borel space + Universally measurable + Measure space (300+ views) + Standard probability space + Measure algebra (measure theory)

Some statistics

We have 190+ articles with 190+ views each. [1]

History: Dec 2011: 40×40; Jan 2012: 60×60; Feb 2012: 90×90; Mar 2012: 140×140; Apr 2012: 190×190.

Notes to myself

Internal links

Talk:EoM:This project + Help:MSC Templates + User:Ulf Rehmann/Predefined TeX Macros + User talk:Nbrothers + Encyclopedia of Mathematics:Administrators

Popular pages + Statistics + Version

New pages + New users + Categories + Wanted categories + Templates

External links

MSC wiki + QuestyCaptcha

Probability (and related) articles

Absorbing state + Approximation by periodic transformations + Arcsine distribution + Asymptotic negligibility + Attraction domain of a stable distribution

Baire set + Bellman–Harris process + Bernoulli theorem + Bernoulli trials + Binomial distribution + Birkhoff ergodic theorem + Borel measure + Borel space + Borel strong law of large numbers + Borel–Cantelli lemma + Branching process + Branching process, age-dependent + Branching process with a random medium + Branching process with immigration + Branching processes, regularity of + Brownian motion

Cauchy distribution + Central limit theorem + Characteristic function + Chebyshev inequality in probability theory + Continuous distribution + Continuous flow + Convergence, types of + Convergence in distribution + Convergence in probability + Convergence of measures + Cramér theorem + Cramér–von Mises test

Diffusion process + Discrete distribution + Dispersion + Distribution function + Distributions, convergence of + Dynamical system

Edgeworth series + Elementary flow + Entropy theory of a dynamical system + Ergodic theorem + Ergodic theory + Ergodicity + Exponential distribution

Feller process + Flow (continuous-time dynamical system) + Functional of a Markov process

Galton–Watson process + Gaussian process + Geometric distribution + Gram–Charlier series

Infinitely-divisible distribution

Kolmogorov equation + Kolmogorov test + Kolmogorov–Chapman equation + Kolmogorov–Smirnov test

Laplace theorem + Law of large numbers + Law of the iterated logarithm + Lebesgue integral + Limit theorems + Lévy canonical representation + Lévy metric

Markov chain + Markov chain, class of zero states of a + Markov chain, decomposable + Markov chain, generalized + Markov chain, non-decomposable + Markov chain, periodic + Markov chain, recurrent + Markov moment + Markov process + Markov property + Martingale + Mathematical expectation + Mathematical statistics + Maximal ergodic theorem + Measurable flow + Measurable function + Measurable space + Measure-preserving transformation + Median (in statistics) + Metric isomorphism + Metric transitivity + Mixing + Multinomial distribution

Normal distribution + Normal number

Operator ergodic theorem + Ornstein–Chacon ergodic theorem

Poisson distribution + Poisson process + Poisson theorem + Probabilistic metric space + Probability + Probability distribution + Probability measure + Probability of large deviations + Probability space + Probability theory


Random variable

Separable process + Sequential analysis + Serial scheme + Spectrum of a dynamical system + Stable distribution + Standard Borel space + Stationary distribution + Stationary stochastic process + Statistical physics, mathematical problems in + Stochastic differential equation + Stochastic equivalence + Stochastic indistinguishability + Stochastic integral + Stochastic matrix + Stochastic process + Stochastic process with independent increments + Stochastic process with stationary increments + Strange attractor + Strong law of large numbers

Transition-operator semi-group + Transition function + Transition with prohibitions + Triangular array

Uniform distribution

Variance + Von Neumann ergodic theorem

Weak convergence of probability measures + Wiener process

Berry-Esseen inequality



{{Anchor|countably separated}}

$\int f(x)\rd x$   $\int f(x)\rd x$

$\int f(x)\,\mu(\!\rd x)$   $\int f(x)\,\mu(\!\rd x)$

See {{Cite|K|Sect. 12.B}}.

|valign="top"|{{Ref|K}}|| Alexander S. Kechris, "Classical descriptive set theory", Springer-Verlag (1995).   {{MR|1321597}}   {{ZBL|0819.04002}
|valign="top"|{{Ref|M}}|| George W. Mackey, "Borel structure in groups and their duals", ''Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.'' '''85''' (1957), 134–165.   {{MR|0089999}}   {{ZBL|0082.11201}}


Also: standard measurable space


[[Category:Descriptive set theory]]
[[Category:Classical measure theory]]

$ \newcommand...$
A Borel space is called standard if...



* {{MSC|60J10}}

[[Category:Markov processes]]

* {{MSC|60Jxx}}

[[Category:Probability theory and stochastic processes]]

* {{MSC|60}}

[[Category:Probability and statistics]]

How to Cite This Entry:
Boris Tsirelson. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL: