Weyl almost-periodic functions
The class $W^p$ of complex-valued functions $f(x)$, $-\infty<x<\infty$, summable to degree $p$ on each bounded interval of the real axis and such that for every $\epsilon>0$ there is an $l=l(\epsilon,f)$ for which $f$ has a relatively-dense set $S_l^p$ of $\epsilon$-almost-periods (cf. Almost-period). The class was defined by H. Weyl [1]. The class $W^p$ of Weyl almost-periodic functions is an extension of the class of Stepanov almost-periodic functions.
Weyl almost-periodic functions are related to the metric
If $\phi$ is a null function in the metric $D_{W^p}$, i.e.
and $f$ is a Stepanov almost-periodic function, then
is a Weyl almost-periodic function. There also exist Weyl almost-periodic functions which cannot be represented in the form \ref{*}; cf. [3].
[1] | H. Weyl, "Integralgleichungen und fastperiodische Funktionen" Math. Ann. , 97 (1927) pp. 338–356 |
[2] | B.M. Levitan, "Almost-periodic functions" , Moscow (1953) (In Russian) |
[3] | B.M. Levitan, V.V. Stepanov, "Sur les fonctions presque périodiques apportenant au sens strict à la classe ![]() |
Weyl almost-periodic functions. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL: http://encyclopediaofmath.org/index.php?title=Weyl_almost-periodic_functions&oldid=33675