
Thomas-Fermi theory

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Fermi–Thomas theory

Sometimes called the

"statistical theory" ,

it was invented by

L.H. Thomas



E. Fermi


shortly after

E. Schrödinger

invented his

quantum-mechanical wave equation, in order to approximately

describe the

electron density,

$\rho ( x )$,

$x \in \mathbf{R} ^ { 3 }$,

and the

ground state energy,

$E ( N )$

for a large atom or molecule with a large number,


of electrons. Schrödinger's

equation, which would give the exact density and energy, cannot be

easily handled when


is large (cf. also

Schrödinger equation).

A starting point for the theory is the

Thomas–Fermi energy functional.

For a molecule with


nuclei of charges

$Z_i > 0$

and locations

$R_{i} \in \mathbf{R} ^ { 3 }$

($i = 1 , \ldots , K$),

it is

\begin{equation} \tag{a1} \mathcal{E} ( \rho ) : = \end{equation}

\begin{equation*} := \frac { 3 } { 5 } \gamma \int _ { \mathbf R ^ { 3 } } \rho ( x ) ^ { 5 / 3 } d x - \int _ { \mathbf R ^ { 3 } } V ( x ) \rho ( x ) d x + \end{equation*}

\begin{equation*} +\frac { 1 } { 2 } \int _ { {\bf R} ^ { 3 } } \int _ { {\bf R} ^ { 3 } } \frac { \rho ( x ) \rho ( y ) } { | x - y | } d x d y + U \end{equation*}

in suitable units. Here,

\begin{equation*} V ( x ) = \sum _ { j = 1 } ^ { K } Z _ { j } | x - r _ { j } | ^ { - 1 }, \end{equation*}

\begin{equation*} U = \sum _ { 1 \leq i < j \leq K } Z _ { i } Z _ { j } | R _ { i } - R _ { j } | ^ { - 1 }, \end{equation*}


$\gamma = ( 3 \pi ^ { 2 } ) ^ { 2 / 3 }$.

The constraint on



$\rho ( x ) \geq 0$


$\int _ { \mathbf{R} ^ { 3 } } \rho = N$.

The functional

$\rho \rightarrow \mathcal{E} ( \rho )$

is convex (cf. also

Convex function (of a real variable)).

The justification for this functional is this:

The first term is roughly the minimum quantum-mechanical

kinetic energy of


electrons needed to produce an electron density


The second term is the attractive interaction of the


electrons with the


nuclei, via the

Coulomb potential


The third is approximately the electron-electron repulsive



is the nuclear-nuclear repulsion and is an important constant.


Thomas–Fermi energy

is defined to be

\begin{equation*} E ^ { \text{TF} } ( N ) = \operatorname { inf } \{ \mathcal{E} ( \rho ) : \rho \in L ^ { 5 / 3 } , \int \rho = N , \rho \geq 0 \}, \end{equation*}

i.e., the Thomas–Fermi energy and density are obtained by minimizing

${\cal E} ( \rho )$


$\rho \in L ^ { 5 / 3 } ( \mathbf{R} ^ { 3 } )$


$\int \rho = N$.


Euler–Lagrange equation,

in this case called the

Thomas–Fermi equation,


\begin{equation} \tag{a2} \gamma \rho ( x ) ^ { 2 / 3 } = [ \Phi ( x ) - \mu ]_+ , \end{equation}


$[ a ] + = \operatorname { max } \{ 0 , a \}$,


is some constant


Lagrange multiplier; cf.

Lagrange multipliers)



is the

Thomas–Fermi potential:

\begin{equation} \tag{a3} \Phi ( x ) = V ( x ) - \int _ { \mathbf{R} ^ { 3 } } | x - y | ^ { - 1 } \rho ( y ) d y. \end{equation}

The following essential mathematical facts about the

Thomas–Fermi equation were

established by

E.H. Lieb


B. Simon


(cf. also



There is a density

$\rho _ { N } ^ { \operatorname {TF} }$

that minimizes

${\cal E} ( \rho )$

if and only if

$N \leq Z : = \sum _ { j = 1 } ^ { K } Z _ { j }$.


$\rho _ { N } ^ { \operatorname {TF} }$

is unique and it satisfies the Thomas–Fermi equation


for some

$\mu \geq 0$.

Every positive solution,




is a minimizer of



$N = \int \rho$.


$N > Z$,


$E ^ { \text{TF} } ( N ) = E ^ { \text{TF} } ( Z )$

and any minimizing sequence converges weakly in

$L ^ { 5 / 3 } ( \mathbf{R} ^ { 3 } )$


$\rho ^ { \operatorname {TF} } _{ Z }$.


$\Phi ( x ) \geq 0$

for all


(This need not be so for the real Schrödinger



$\mu = \mu ( N )$

is a strictly monotonically decreasing function of



$\mu ( Z ) = 0$


neutral case).


is the

chemical potential,


\begin{equation*} \mu ( N ) = - \frac { \partial E ^ { \text{TF} } ( N ) } { \partial N }. \end{equation*}

$E ^ { \text{TF} } ( N )$

is a strictly convex, decreasing function of



$N \leq Z$


$E ^ { \text{TF} } ( N ) = E ^ { \text{TF} } ( Z )$


$N \geq Z$.


$N < Z$,

$\rho _ { N } ^ { \operatorname {TF} }$

has compact support.


$N = Z$,



$\gamma \rho ^ { 2 / 3 } = \Phi$.

By applying the

Laplace operator


to both sides, one obtains

\begin{equation*} - \Delta \Phi ( x ) + 4 \pi \gamma ^ { - 3 / 2 } \Phi ( x ) ^ { 3 / 2 } = 4 \pi \sum _ { j = 1 } ^ { K } Z _ { j } \delta ( x - R _ { j } ), \end{equation*}

which is the form in which the Thomas–Fermi

equation is usually stated (but it

is valid only for

$N = Z$).

An important property of the solution is

Teller's theorem


(proved rigorously in


which implies that the

Thomas–Fermi molecule

is always unstable, i.e., for each

$N \leq Z$

there are



$N _ { j } \in ( 0 , Z _ { j } )$


$\sum _ { j } N _ { j } = N$

such that

\begin{equation} \tag{a4} E ^ { \operatorname{TF} } ( N ) > \sum _ { j = 1 } ^ { K } E _ { \operatorname{atom} } ^ { \operatorname{TF} } ( N _ { j } , Z _ { j } ), \end{equation}


$E _ { \operatorname{atom} } ^ { \operatorname{TF} } ( N _ { j } , Z _ { j } )$

is the Thomas–Fermi

energy with

$K = 1$,

$Z = Z_j$


$N = N_{j}$.

The presence of




is crucial for this result. The inequality is strict. Not only does

$E ^ { \text{TF} }$

decrease when the nuclei are pulled infinitely far apart (which is



says) but any dilation of the nuclear coordinates

($R _ { j } \rightarrow \text{l}R _ { j }$,

$\text{l} > 1$)

will decrease

$E ^ { \text{TF} }$

in the neutral case

(positivity of the pressure)



This theorem plays an important role in the

stability of matter.

An important question concerns the connection between

$E ^ { \text{TF} } ( N )$


$E ^ { \text{Q} } ( N )$,


ground state energy

(i.e., the infimum of the spectrum) of the

Schrödinger operator,


it was meant to approximate.

\begin{equation*} H = - \sum _ { i = 1 } ^ { N } [ \Delta _ { i } + V ( x _ { i } ) ] + \sum _ { 1 \leq i < j \leq N } | x _ { i } - x _ { j } | ^ { - 1 } + U, \end{equation*}

which acts on the

anti-symmetric functions

$\wedge ^ { N } L ^ { 2 } ( \mathbf{R} ^ { 3 } ; \mathbf{C} ^ { 2 } )$

(i.e., functions of space and spin). It used to be believed that

$E ^ { \text{TF} }$

is asymptotically exact as

$N \rightarrow \infty$,

but this is not quite right;

$Z \rightarrow \infty$

is also needed.





proved that if one fixes



$Z _ { j } / Z$

and sets

$R _ { j } = Z ^ { - 1 / 3 } R _ { j } ^ { 0 }$,

with fixed

$R _ { j } ^ { 0 } \in \mathbf{R} ^ { 3 }$,

and sets

$N = \lambda Z$,


$0 \leq \lambda < 1$,


\begin{equation} \tag{a5} \operatorname { lim } _ { Z \rightarrow \infty } \frac { E ^ { \text{TF} } ( \lambda Z ) } { E ^ { \text{Q} } ( \lambda Z ) } = 1. \end{equation}

In particular, a simple change of variables shows that

$E _ { \text{atom} } ^ { \text{TF} } ( \lambda , Z ) = Z ^ { 7 / 3 } E _ { \text{atom} } ^ { \text{TF} } ( \lambda , 1 )$

and hence the true energy of a large atom is asymptotically

proportional to

$Z ^ { 7 / 3 }$.

Likewise, there is a well-defined sense in which the

quantum-mechanical density converges to

$\rho _ { N } ^ { \operatorname {TF} }$



The Thomas–Fermi density for an atom located at

$R = 0$,

which is spherically symmetric, scales as

\begin{equation*} \rho _ { \text { atom } } ^ { \text {TF} } ( x ; N = \lambda Z , Z ) = \end{equation*}

\begin{equation*} = Z ^ { 2 } \rho _ { \text { atom } } ^ { \operatorname{TF} } ( Z ^ { 1 / 3 } x ; N = \lambda , Z = 1 ). \end{equation*}

Thus, a large atom (i.e., large


is smaller than a

$Z = 1$

atom by a factor

$Z ^ { - 1 / 3 }$

in radius. Despite this seeming paradox, Thomas–Fermi

theory gives the correct

electron density in a real atom (so far as the bulk of the

electrons is concerned) as

$Z \rightarrow \infty$.

Another important fact is the

large-$| x |$

asymptotics of

$\rho _ { \text { atom } } ^ { \text{TF} }$

for a neutral atom. As

$| x | \rightarrow \infty$,

\begin{equation*} \rho _ { \text{atom} } ^ { \text{TF} } ( x , N = Z , Z ) \sim \gamma ^ { 3 } \left( \frac { 3 } { \pi } \right) ^ { 3 } | x | ^ { - 6 }, \end{equation*}

independent of


Again, this behaviour agrees with quantum mechanics — on a

length scale

$Z ^ { - 1 / 3 }$,

which is where the bulk of the electrons is to be found.

In light of the limit theorem


Teller's theorem

can be understood as saying that, as

$Z \rightarrow \infty$,

the quantum-mechanical binding energy of a molecule is of lower order



than the total ground state energy. Thus, Teller's theorem is

not a defect of Thomas–Fermi

theory (although it is sometimes interpreted that

way) but an important statement about the true quantum-mechanical


For finite


one can show, using the

Lieb–Thirring inequalities


and the

Lieb–Oxford inequality



$E ^ { \text{TF} } ( N )$,

with a modified


gives a lower bound to

$E ^ { \text{Q} } ( N )$.



to Thomas–Fermi theory have been proposed, but none have a

fundamental significance in the sense of being


in the

$Z \rightarrow \infty$

limit. The

von Weizsäcker correction

consists in adding a term

\begin{equation*} \text{(const)} \int _ { {\bf R} ^ { 3 } } | \nabla \sqrt { \rho ( x ) } | ^ { 2 } d x \end{equation*}


${\cal E} ( \rho )$.

This preserves the convexity of

${\cal E} ( \rho )$

and adds

$(\text{const})Z ^ { 2 }$


$E ^ { \text{TF} } ( N )$



is large. It also has the effect that the range of


for which there is a minimizing


is extend from

$[ 0 , Z ]$


$[ 0 , Z + ( \text { const } ) K ]$.

Another correction, the

Dirac exchange energy,

is to add

\begin{equation*} - ( \text {const} ) \int _ { {\bf R} ^ { 3 } } \rho ( x ) ^ { 4 / 3 } d x \end{equation*}


${\cal E} ( \rho )$.

This spoils the convexity but not the range

$[ 0 , Z ]$

for which a



exists, cf.


for both of these corrections.

When a uniform external magnetic field


is present, the operator

$- \Delta$



is replaced by

\begin{equation*} | i \nabla + A ( x ) | ^ { 2 } + \sigma . B ( x ), \end{equation*}


$\operatorname{curl}A = B$



denoting the Pauli spin matrices (cf. also

Pauli matrices).

This leads to a modified Thomas–Fermi theory

that is asymptotically exact as

$Z \rightarrow \infty$,

but the theory depends on the manner in which


varies with


There are five distinct regimes and theories:

$B \ll Z ^ { 4 / 3 }$,

$B \sim Z ^ { 4 / 3 }$,

$Z ^ { 4 / 3 } \ll B \ll Z ^ { 3 }$,

$B \sim Z ^ { 3 }$,


$B \gg Z ^ { 3 }$.





are relevant for

neutron stars.

Another class of Thomas–Fermi theories with

magnetic fields is relevant for electrons confined to

two-dimensional geometries

(quantum dots)


In this case there are three regimes. A convenient review



Still another modification of Thomas–Fermi theory

is its extension from a

theory of the ground states of atoms and molecules (which corresponds

to zero temperature) to a theory of positive temperature states of

large systems such as stars






R. Benguria,

E.H. Lieb,

"The positivity of the pressure in Thomas–Fermi theory"

Comm. Math. Phys.

, 63


pp. 193–218

((Errata: 71 (1980), 94))

E. Fermi,

"Un metodo statistico per la determinazione di alcune priorieta dell'atome"

Rend. Accad. Naz. Lincei

, 6


pp. 602–607

E.H. Lieb,

"Thomas–Fermi and related theories of atoms and molecules"

Rev. Mod. Phys.

, 53


pp. 603–641

((Errata: 54 (1982), 311))

E. Teller,

"On the stability of molecules in Thomas–Fermi theory"

Rev. Mod. Phys.

, 34


pp. 627–631

J. Messer,

"Temperature dependent Thomas–Fermi theory"

, Lecture Notes Physics

, 147

, Springer


E.H. Lieb,

S. Oxford,

"An improved lower bound on the indirect Coulomb energy"

Internat. J. Quant. Chem.

, 19


pp. 427–439

E.H. Lieb,

B. Simon,

"The Thomas–Fermi theory of atoms, molecules and solids"

Adv. Math.

, 23


pp. 22–116

E.H. Lieb,

J.P. Solovej,

J. Yngvason,

"Asymptotics of heavy atoms in high magnetic fields: I. lowest Landau band region"

Commun. Pure Appl. Math.

, 47


pp. 513–591

E.H. Lieb,

J.P. Solovej,

J. Yngvason,

"Asymptotics of heavy atoms in high magnetic fields: II. semiclassical regions"

Comm. Math. Phys.

, 161


pp. 77–124

E.H. Lieb,

J.P. Solovej,

J. Yngvason,

"Ground states of large quantum dots in magnetic fields"

Phys. Rev. B

, 51


pp. 10646–10665

E.H. Lieb,

J.P. Solovej,

J. Yngvason,

"Asymptotics of natural and artificial atoms in strong magnetic fields"

W. Thirring (ed.)

, The stability of matter: from atoms to stars, selecta of E.H. Lieb

, Springer


pp. 145–167

(Edition: Second)

E.H. Lieb,

W. Thirring,

"Inequalities for the moments of the eigenvalues of the Schrödinger Hamiltonian and their relation to Sobolev inequalities"

E. Lieb (ed.)

B. Simon (ed.)

A. Wightman (ed.)

, Studies in Mathematical Physics: Essays in Honor of Valentine Bargmann

, Princeton Univ. Press


pp. 269–303

((See also: W. Thirring (ed.), The stability of matter: from the atoms to stars, Selecta of E.H. Lieb, Springer, 1977))

L.H. Thomas,

"The calculation of atomic fields"

Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.

, 23


pp. 542–548

W. Thirring,

"A course in mathematical physics"

, 4

, Springer


pp. 209–277

Elliott H. Lieb

Copyright to this article is held by Elliott Lieb.

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Thomas-Fermi theory. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL: