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  • Consider a [[Weil algebra|Weil algebra]] $A$ and a homomorphism $\varphi \in \operatorname{Hom}( C ^ { \infty } ( ...A }$ on mappings between the $\mathbf{R} ^ { m }$ (cf. [[Weil algebra|Weil algebra]]) extends to all smooth manifolds and smooth mappings
    12 KB (1,876 words) - 06:30, 15 February 2024
  • natural equivalence between the iterated tangent functor $T T$ and the composition $T ^ { * } T$ of the cotangent and the tangent functors. This implies that, ...nd all natural transformations $F \rightarrow G$ are in bijection with the algebra homomorphisms $A \rightarrow B$, see [[#References|[a1]]] for a survey. An
    4 KB (674 words) - 17:02, 1 July 2020
  • to be the composition of a linear representation of $ G $ the Lie algebra of which is the central extension of the Lie algebra $ \mathfrak g $
    5 KB (667 words) - 18:02, 13 April 2023
  • ...he rotation of a tangle by the angle $\pi /n$ and $*$ denotes (horizontal) composition of tangles. ...of knots and links" J. Leech (ed.) , ''Computational Problems in Abstract Algebra'' , Pergamon Press (1969) pp. 329–358</td></tr><tr><td valign="top">[a2
    2 KB (401 words) - 16:58, 1 July 2020
  • $#C+1 = 55 : ~/encyclopedia/old_files/data/B110/B.1100750 Boolean algebra with operators An operator on a Boolean algebra $ \mathbf B $
    8 KB (1,220 words) - 19:12, 11 December 2020
  • ...ncyclopedia/old_files/data/R081/R.0801430 Representation of an associative algebra A homomorphism of the algebra $ A $
    22 KB (3,137 words) - 20:01, 15 March 2023
  • The Cartan matrix of a finite-dimensional semi-simple Lie algebra $\def\fg{\mathfrak{g}}\fg$ over an algebraically closed field $k$ of charac ...a transformation induced by permutation of the indices. A semi-simple Lie algebra is simple if and only if its Cartan matrix is indecomposable, that is, not
    6 KB (1,055 words) - 08:14, 22 May 2012
  • ...[tilting module]] over a finite-dimensional hereditary algebra (cf. also [[Algebra]]; [[Endomorphism]]). ...e-dimensional hereditary $K$-algebra, $K$ some field, for example the path-algebra of some finite [[quiver]] without oriented cycles. A finite-dimensional $H$
    8 KB (1,215 words) - 19:50, 24 December 2023
  • ...truction that first appeared in set theory, and then became widely used in algebra, topology and other areas of mathematics. An important special case of an i with the obvious law of composition. In an arbitrary category $ \mathfrak K $,
    7 KB (1,089 words) - 22:12, 5 June 2020
  • The naturally defined composition of local homomorphisms is also a local homomorphism. Local homomorphisms $ ...s the correspondence between the local Lie group and its [[Lie algebra|Lie algebra]]. Namely, let $ G $
    10 KB (1,553 words) - 22:16, 5 June 2020
  • 1) each of $E$ and $M$ is closed under composition with isomorphisms; ...$E$ of morphisms and a family $\mathfrak{M}$ of sources, each closed under composition with isomorphisms, such that each source $\mathcal{S}$ in $\frak A$ has a f
    11 KB (1,634 words) - 01:54, 13 February 2024
  • ...[[Differentiable manifold|differentiable manifold]], and let $F(M)$ be the algebra of smooth real-valued functions on it. A tangent vector to $M$ at $m\in M$ ...psto g\alpha$. For a tangent vector $v:F(M)\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ at $m$, composition with $\alpha^*$ gives an $\mathbb{R}$-linear mapping $v\alpha^*:F(N)\righta
    8 KB (1,509 words) - 05:24, 22 May 2017
  • ...$\mathcal{C} ( C , C ^ { \prime } )$ (cf. also [[Free group|Free group]]). Composition is defined in the unique way so as to be bilinear and to make the inclusion ...}$ equipped with a $K$-module structure on each hom-set in such a way that composition induces a $K$-module homomorphism. If $K = \mathcal{Z}$, a $\mathcal Z$-cat
    9 KB (1,283 words) - 20:55, 8 February 2024
  • ...s a [[Ringoid|ringoid]] over a group, i.e. a [[Universal algebra|universal algebra]] in which an associative multiplication and addition exist; a near-ring is ...$M_S(\Gamma)$ are defined pointwise and multiplication in $M_S(\Gamma)$ is composition of mappings. A near-ring $M_S(\Gamma)$ is an analogue of a ring of matrices
    5 KB (767 words) - 11:23, 27 October 2014
  • under natural composition. Factor sets corresponding to a semi-direct product form a subgroup $ B _ ...extensions is one of the cornerstones of [[Homological algebra|homological algebra]].
    6 KB (917 words) - 20:29, 17 January 2024
  • ...othety with coefficient $k$ or $-k$. Any similarity can be considered as a composition of a motion $D$ and some homothety $\Gamma$ with a positive coefficient. ...e><TR><TD valign="top">[a1]</TD> <TD valign="top"> E. Artin, "Geometric algebra" , Interscience (1957) pp. Chapt. II</TD></TR><TR><TD valign="top">[a2]</
    3 KB (509 words) - 14:19, 12 April 2014
  • $#C+1 = 261 : ~/encyclopedia/old_files/data/L058/L.0508360 Lie\AAhadmissible algebra ...the defining identities for standard algebras [[#References|[a1]]]. For an algebra $ \mathfrak A $
    22 KB (3,154 words) - 19:10, 26 March 2023
  • An algebra over a field for which certain polynomial identities are true. be an associative algebra (cf. [[Associative rings and algebras|Associative rings and algebras]]) ove
    15 KB (2,252 words) - 08:04, 6 June 2020
  • $#C+1 = 107 : ~/encyclopedia/old_files/data/M110/M.1100020 Magari algebra, ''diagonalizable algebra''
    13 KB (1,762 words) - 11:49, 12 January 2021
  • ...'C'') of an [[abelian category]] ''C'' is a construction of [[homological algebra]] introduced to refine and in a certain sense to simplify the theory of [[d ...appears as one terminal point in the explosive development of homological algebra in the 1950s, a decade in which it had made remarkable strides and became c
    15 KB (2,268 words) - 10:42, 5 March 2012

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