Fractional congruence
From Encyclopedia of Mathematics
The congruence $ \eta / \theta $
of a quotient system $ \mathbf A / \theta $
defined by the formula
$$ [ x ] _ \theta ( \eta / \theta ) [ y ] _ \theta \iff x \eta y , $$
where $ \eta $ is some congruence of the algebraic system $ \mathbf A $ containing the given congruence $ \theta $ and $ [ a] _ \theta = \{ {x \in \mathbf A } : {x \theta a } \} $. The quotient system $ ( \mathbf A / \theta ) / ( \eta / \theta ) $ is isomorphic to the system $ \mathbf A / \eta $.
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Fractional congruence. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL:
Fractional congruence. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL:
This article was adapted from an original article by D.M. Smirnov (originator), which appeared in Encyclopedia of Mathematics - ISBN 1402006098. See original article