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To obtain, for a given power series
To obtain, for a given power series
<table class="eq" style="width:100%;"> <tr><td valign="top" style="width:94%;text-align:center;"><img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /></td> <td valign="top" style="width:5%;text-align:right;">(1)</td></tr></table>
$$ \tag{1 }
w  =  f ( z)  = \
\sum _ { j= } 0 ^  \infty 
b _ {j} ( z- a )  ^ {j} ,\ \
b _ {1} \neq 0 ,
a series for the inverse function  $  z = \phi ( w) $
in the form
$$ \tag{2 }
= \phi ( w)  = \
\sum _ { k= } 0 ^  \infty 
a _ {k} ( w - b )  ^ {k} ,
where  $  b = f ( a) = b _ {0} $,
$  a _ {0} = a $,
a _ {k}  = \
\lim\limits _ {\zeta \rightarrow a } \
a series for the inverse function <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /> in the form
\frac{d  ^ {k-} 1 }{d \zeta  ^ {k-} 1 }
<table class="eq" style="width:100%;"> <tr><td valign="top" style="width:94%;text-align:center;"><img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /></td> <td valign="top" style="width:5%;text-align:right;">(2)</td></tr></table>
\left [
where <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" />, <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" />,
\frac{\zeta - a }{f ( \zeta ) - b }
<table class="eq" style="width:100%;"> <tr><td valign="top" style="width:94%;text-align:center;"><img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /></td> </tr></table>
\right ]  ^ {k} ,\ \
k \geq  1 .
The series (2) is called the inverse of the series (1), or the Lagrange series. The more general problem of finding the expansion of an arbitrary composite analytic function <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /> is solved by the [[Bürmann–Lagrange series|Bürmann–Lagrange series]]. If the disc of convergence of (1) is <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" />, then the series (2) converges in the disc <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" />, where <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /> is the distance of the point <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /> from the image of the circle <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /> under the mapping <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" />.
The series (2) is called the inverse of the series (1), or the Lagrange series. The more general problem of finding the expansion of an arbitrary composite analytic function $  F [ \phi ( w) ] $
is solved by the [[Bürmann–Lagrange series|Bürmann–Lagrange series]]. If the disc of convergence of (1) is $  | z- a | < \rho $,  
then the series (2) converges in the disc $  | w- b | < \delta $,  
where $  \delta $
is the distance of the point $  b $
from the image of the circle $  | z- a | = \rho $
under the mapping $  w = f ( z) $.
If the function <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /> is expanded as a series of the form
If the function $  w = f ( z) $
is expanded as a series of the form
<table class="eq" style="width:100%;"> <tr><td valign="top" style="width:94%;text-align:center;"><img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /></td> <td valign="top" style="width:5%;text-align:right;">(3)</td></tr></table>
$$ \tag{3 }
= f ( z)  = \
b + \sum _ { j= } m ^  \infty 
b _ {j} ( z- a )  ^ {j} ,\ \
m \geq  2 ,\ \
b _ {m} \neq 0 ,
that is, if <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /> is a [[Critical point|critical point]] for <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" />, then the inverse function <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /> has an [[Algebraic branch point|algebraic branch point]] of order <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /> at <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" />, and inversion of (3) is only possible in the form of a [[Puiseux series|Puiseux series]]:
that is, if $  a $
is a [[Critical point|critical point]] for $  f ( z) $,  
then the inverse function $  z = \phi ( w) $
has an [[Algebraic branch point|algebraic branch point]] of order $  m- 1 $
at $  b $,  
and inversion of (3) is only possible in the form of a [[Puiseux series|Puiseux series]]:
<table class="eq" style="width:100%;"> <tr><td valign="top" style="width:94%;text-align:center;"><img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /></td> </tr></table>
= \phi ( w)  = \
a + \sum _ { k= } 1 ^  \infty 
a _ {k} ( w- b ) ^ {k / m } ,
<table class="eq" style="width:100%;"> <tr><td valign="top" style="width:94%;text-align:center;"><img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /></td> </tr></table>
a _ {k}  =
\frac{1}{k ! }
  \lim\limits _ {\zeta
\rightarrow a } 
\frac{d  ^ {k-} 1 }{d \zeta  ^ {k-} 1 }
\left \{
- a }{[ f ( \zeta ) - b ] ^ {1 / m } }
\right \}  ^ {k} ,\  k \geq  1 .
The problem of inversion of a [[Laurent series|Laurent series]] in negative and positive integer powers of <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /> is solved similarly in the case when the series has only finitely many negative (or positive) powers (see [[#References|[1]]]).
The problem of inversion of a [[Laurent series|Laurent series]] in negative and positive integer powers of $  z- a $
is solved similarly in the case when the series has only finitely many negative (or positive) powers (see [[#References|[1]]]).
For analytic functions of several complex variables <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" />, <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" />, problems of inversion can be put in various ways. For example, if <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /> is a non-singular (that is, the rank of the Jacobi matrix <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /> is equal to <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" />) holomorphic mapping of a neighbourhood of zero in <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /> into <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" />, <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" />, then in some neighbourhood of zero there exists an inverse holomorphic function <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" />, which can be described in the form of a multi-dimensional Bürmann–Lagrange series (see [[#References|[3]]]).
For analytic functions of several complex variables $  z = ( z _ {1} \dots z _ {n} ) $,  
$  n > 1 $,  
problems of inversion can be put in various ways. For example, if $  f : \mathbf C  ^ {n} \rightarrow \mathbf C  ^ {n} $
is a non-singular (that is, the rank of the Jacobi matrix $  \| \partial  f / \partial  z _ {k} \| $
is equal to $  n $)  
holomorphic mapping of a neighbourhood of zero in $  \mathbf C  ^ {n} $
into $  \mathbf C  ^ {n} $,
$  f ( 0) = 0 $,  
then in some neighbourhood of zero there exists an inverse holomorphic function $  \phi $,  
which can be described in the form of a multi-dimensional Bürmann–Lagrange series (see [[#References|[3]]]).
<table><TR><TD valign="top">[1]</TD> <TD valign="top">  A.I. Markushevich,  "Theory of functions of a complex variable" , '''1''' , Chelsea  (1977)  (Translated from Russian)</TD></TR><TR><TD valign="top">[2]</TD> <TD valign="top">  A. Hurwitz,  R. Courant,  "Vorlesungen über allgemeine Funktionentheorie und elliptische Funktionen" , Springer  (1964)  pp. Chapt. 3, Abschnitt 2</TD></TR><TR><TD valign="top">[3]</TD> <TD valign="top">  E.E. Soltan,  "The expansion of holomorphic functions in multi-dimensional Bürmann–Lagrange series" , ''Holomorphic functions of several complex variables'' , Krasnoyarsk  (1972)  pp. 129–137; 212  (In Russian)</TD></TR></table>
<table><TR><TD valign="top">[1]</TD> <TD valign="top">  A.I. Markushevich,  "Theory of functions of a complex variable" , '''1''' , Chelsea  (1977)  (Translated from Russian)</TD></TR><TR><TD valign="top">[2]</TD> <TD valign="top">  A. Hurwitz,  R. Courant,  "Vorlesungen über allgemeine Funktionentheorie und elliptische Funktionen" , Springer  (1964)  pp. Chapt. 3, Abschnitt 2</TD></TR><TR><TD valign="top">[3]</TD> <TD valign="top">  E.E. Soltan,  "The expansion of holomorphic functions in multi-dimensional Bürmann–Lagrange series" , ''Holomorphic functions of several complex variables'' , Krasnoyarsk  (1972)  pp. 129–137; 212  (In Russian)</TD></TR></table>

Revision as of 22:13, 5 June 2020

To obtain, for a given power series

$$ \tag{1 } w = f ( z) = \ \sum _ { j= } 0 ^ \infty b _ {j} ( z- a ) ^ {j} ,\ \ b _ {1} \neq 0 , $$

a series for the inverse function $ z = \phi ( w) $ in the form

$$ \tag{2 } z = \phi ( w) = \ \sum _ { k= } 0 ^ \infty a _ {k} ( w - b ) ^ {k} , $$

where $ b = f ( a) = b _ {0} $, $ a _ {0} = a $,

$$ a _ {k} = \ \frac{1}{k!} \ \lim\limits _ {\zeta \rightarrow a } \ \frac{d ^ {k-} 1 }{d \zeta ^ {k-} 1 } \left [ \frac{\zeta - a }{f ( \zeta ) - b } \right ] ^ {k} ,\ \ k \geq 1 . $$

The series (2) is called the inverse of the series (1), or the Lagrange series. The more general problem of finding the expansion of an arbitrary composite analytic function $ F [ \phi ( w) ] $ is solved by the Bürmann–Lagrange series. If the disc of convergence of (1) is $ | z- a | < \rho $, then the series (2) converges in the disc $ | w- b | < \delta $, where $ \delta $ is the distance of the point $ b $ from the image of the circle $ | z- a | = \rho $ under the mapping $ w = f ( z) $.

If the function $ w = f ( z) $ is expanded as a series of the form

$$ \tag{3 } w = f ( z) = \ b + \sum _ { j= } m ^ \infty b _ {j} ( z- a ) ^ {j} ,\ \ m \geq 2 ,\ \ b _ {m} \neq 0 , $$

that is, if $ a $ is a critical point for $ f ( z) $, then the inverse function $ z = \phi ( w) $ has an algebraic branch point of order $ m- 1 $ at $ b $, and inversion of (3) is only possible in the form of a Puiseux series:

$$ z = \phi ( w) = \ a + \sum _ { k= } 1 ^ \infty a _ {k} ( w- b ) ^ {k / m } , $$

$$ a _ {k} = \frac{1}{k ! } \lim\limits _ {\zeta \rightarrow a } \frac{d ^ {k-} 1 }{d \zeta ^ {k-} 1 } \left \{ \frac{\zeta - a }{[ f ( \zeta ) - b ] ^ {1 / m } } \right \} ^ {k} ,\ k \geq 1 . $$

The problem of inversion of a Laurent series in negative and positive integer powers of $ z- a $ is solved similarly in the case when the series has only finitely many negative (or positive) powers (see [1]).

For analytic functions of several complex variables $ z = ( z _ {1} \dots z _ {n} ) $, $ n > 1 $, problems of inversion can be put in various ways. For example, if $ f : \mathbf C ^ {n} \rightarrow \mathbf C ^ {n} $ is a non-singular (that is, the rank of the Jacobi matrix $ \| \partial f / \partial z _ {k} \| $ is equal to $ n $) holomorphic mapping of a neighbourhood of zero in $ \mathbf C ^ {n} $ into $ \mathbf C ^ {n} $, $ f ( 0) = 0 $, then in some neighbourhood of zero there exists an inverse holomorphic function $ \phi $, which can be described in the form of a multi-dimensional Bürmann–Lagrange series (see [3]).


[1] A.I. Markushevich, "Theory of functions of a complex variable" , 1 , Chelsea (1977) (Translated from Russian)
[2] A. Hurwitz, R. Courant, "Vorlesungen über allgemeine Funktionentheorie und elliptische Funktionen" , Springer (1964) pp. Chapt. 3, Abschnitt 2
[3] E.E. Soltan, "The expansion of holomorphic functions in multi-dimensional Bürmann–Lagrange series" , Holomorphic functions of several complex variables , Krasnoyarsk (1972) pp. 129–137; 212 (In Russian)
How to Cite This Entry:
Inversion of a series. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL:
This article was adapted from an original article by E.D. Solomentsev (originator), which appeared in Encyclopedia of Mathematics - ISBN 1402006098. See original article