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''<img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" />-field, Borel algebra, <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" />-algebra of events''
[[Category:Descriptive set theory]]
[[Category:Classical measure theory]]
''[[Field of sets|$\sigma$-field]], Borel algebra, [[Algebra of sets|$\sigma$-algebra of events]]''
A class <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /> of subsets (events) of a non-empty set <img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="" /> (the space of elementary events) which is a [[Borel field of sets|Borel field of sets]].
A class $\mathcal{B}$ of subsets (events) of a non-empty set $\Omega$ (the space of elementary events) which is a [[Algebra of sets|$\sigma$-algebra]]
(alternatively called [[Field of sets|$\sigma$-field]] or Boolean $\sigma$-algebra). The Borel field of events generated by $M$ is the smallest $\sigma$-algebra containing the family $M$ of events (i.e. of subsets of $\Omega$). See also [[Borel field of sets]].

Revision as of 18:43, 25 November 2012

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 03E15 Secondary: 28A05 [MSN][ZBL] $\sigma$-field, Borel algebra, $\sigma$-algebra of events

A class $\mathcal{B}$ of subsets (events) of a non-empty set $\Omega$ (the space of elementary events) which is a $\sigma$-algebra (alternatively called $\sigma$-field or Boolean $\sigma$-algebra). The Borel field of events generated by $M$ is the smallest $\sigma$-algebra containing the family $M$ of events (i.e. of subsets of $\Omega$). See also Borel field of sets.

How to Cite This Entry:
Borel field of events. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL:
This article was adapted from an original article by V.V. Sazonov (originator), which appeared in Encyclopedia of Mathematics - ISBN 1402006098. See original article