Non-classical theory of models
non-classical model theory
A theory of models (cf. Model theory) that differs from the classical theory in the sense that either the relevant formal language is not the first-order language , or the logic on which it is based is not the classical (two-valued) logic. In what follows, unless otherwise stated, the logic is assumed to be two-valued.
In the theory of models of a language the most important problems are the following.
a) The axiomatizability of the set of identically true formulas. If there is an effective enumeration of the formulas of the language by natural numbers, the problem becomes more precise: Is the set of numbers of the identically true formulas recursively enumerable?
b) A language is called
-compact if for any set
of propositions of
of cardinality
, realizability of every subset
of cardinality
implies realizability of
. The compactness problem consists in describing the pairs of cardinal numbers
for which
c) If the formulas of form a set (rather than a proper class), then there is a cardinal number
such that every set of propositions of
that has a model of cardinality
also has models of arbitrarily large cardinalities. The least such cardinal number is called the Hanf number of
. For
this is the countable cardinal
. The problem consists in computing the Hanf number of
and in establishing conditions for the existence of models of small cardinality.
Below the best studied non-classical languages are listed and for each of them solutions of the problems a)–c) are described.
1) The language of second-order logic. It is obtained from
by adding variables for predicates as well as quantifiers over such predicate-variables. A proposition
of the language
is said to be true in a system
is a model of signature
and the
, are sets of
-ary predicates on
) if
is true in
for the restriction of the quantifiers to the
-ary predicates in the sets
. If here
, are the sets of all
-ary predicates on
, then
is said to be true in the model
. There is a proposition of the language
that characterizes the arithmetic of natural numbers up to an isomorphism. From the Gödel incompleteness theorem for arithmetic it follows that the set of propositions of
that are true in all models is not axiomatizable. However, there is a natural generalization
of the axioms of first-order predicate calculus for which Henkin's completeness theorem holds: From
those and only those propositions of
are deducible that are true in all systems
satisfying the axioms of
. In this case there is an analogue of the Löwenheim–Skolem theorem for
: If a proposition
is true together with the axioms of
in the same system, then
are true in a system
, where
and the
, are at most countable. Some questions in the theory of models of the language
are connected with problems of set theory and are unsolvable in the Zermelo–Fraenkel axiomatic set theory.
2) The language (where
are cardinal numbers). The formulas of this language are constructed from the formulas of the first-order language by means of conjunctions and disjunctions of sets of formulas of cardinality
and by negation and quantification over strings of variables of length
. The truth of a formula in a model is defined, as in the first-order language, by induction on the structure of the formula. A cardinal number
is said to be compact if for any cardinal number
the language
-compact. Among the languages
, the best studied after
. Every countable model of countable signature can be characterized by a proposition of the language
up to an isomorphism. The language
-compact for any
. The Hanf number of
, where
is defined by induction over the ordinal numbers
is a limit ordinal.
3) The language with the quantifier "there exist at least wa many" . The language
is obtained from
by adding a new quantifier
. The truth of a formula is determined by induction on its length. Here a formula
is true in a model
if the cardinality of the set
is at least
. Let
denote the set of formulas of
that are true in all models of cardinality
. The set
is not axiomatizable, but
is. The language
is not
-compact. However, a certain compactness holds in the languages
. Let the symbol
indicate that
) imply that
. If
, then
-compact. The Hanf number of
In the models considered so far any proposition of a language of signature
was either true or false. Alternatively, one can consider models
of signature
in which
-ary predicates are regarded not as subsets of
but as mappings from
into a set
. If on
operations corresponding to the logical connectives of the language
and quantifiers (understood as infinitary operations) are defined, then one can define the truth value
of any proposition
of the language
in the model
. Thus one obtains a model theory with
as set of truth values. The theory is most fruitful in case
is a compact Hausdorff space or a complete Boolean algebra. In these cases many methods of the classical theory of models work. When
is a complete Boolean algebra, then conjunction, disjunction and negation are defined as intersection, union and complementation, respectively. The value
is defined as the intersection of all elements of the form
. Boolean-valued models have found wide-spread application in proofs of the compatibility of various propositions of set theory with the basic axioms of axiomatic set theory.
[1] | A. Church, "Introduction to mathematical logic" , 1 , Princeton Univ. Press (1956) |
[2] | C.C. Chang, H.J. Keisler, "Model theory" , North-Holland (1973) |
Additional references on infinitary logic are [a1], [a2].
[a1] | H.J. Keisler, "Model theory for infinitary logic" , North-Holland (1971) |
[a2] | M.A. Dickmann, "Large infinitary languages" , North-Holland (1975) |
Non-classical theory of models. E.A. PalyutinA.D. Taimanov (originator), Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL: