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<table><TR><TD valign="top">[a1]</TD> <TD valign="top"> J.L. Doob, "Classical potential theory and its probabilistic counterpart" , Springer (1984) pp. 390 {{MR|0731258}} {{ZBL|0549.31001}} </TD></TR><TR><TD valign="top">[a2]</TD> <TD valign="top"> I.I. [I.I. Gikhman] Gihman, A.V. [A.V. Skorokhod] Skorohod, "The theory of stochastic processes" , '''1''' , Springer (1974) pp. 43ff (Translated from Russian) {{MR|0346882}} {{ZBL|0291.60019}} </TD></TR><TR><TD valign="top">[a3]</TD> <TD valign="top"> C. Dellacherie, "Capacités et processus stochastiques" , Springer (1972) pp. 46 {{MR|0448504}} {{ZBL|0246.60032}} </TD></TR><TR><TD valign="top">[a4]</TD> <TD valign="top"> A.V. [A.V. Skorokhod] Skorohod, "Random processes with independent increments" , Kluwer (1991) pp. 9 (Translated from Russian) {{MR|1155400}} {{ZBL|}} </TD></TR><TR><TD valign="top">[a5]</TD> <TD valign="top"> R.Sh. Liptser, A.N. [A.N. Shiryaev] Shiryayev, "Theory of martingales" , Kluwer (1989) pp. 4 (Translated from Russian) {{MR|1022664}} {{ZBL|0728.60048}} </TD></TR></table>
|valign="top"|{{Ref|Do}}|| J.L. Doob, "Classical potential theory and its probabilistic counterpart" , Springer (1984) pp. 390 {{MR|0731258}} {{ZBL|0549.31001}}
|valign="top"|{{Ref|GS}}|| I.I. Gihman, A.V. Skorohod, "The theory of stochastic processes" , '''1''' , Springer (1974) pp. 43ff (Translated from Russian) {{MR|0346882}} {{ZBL|0291.60019}}
|valign="top"|{{Ref|De}}|| C. Dellacherie, "Capacités et processus stochastiques" , Springer (1972) pp. 46 {{MR|0448504}} {{ZBL|0246.60032}}
|valign="top"|{{Ref|S}}|| A.V. Skorohod, "Random processes with independent increments" , Kluwer (1991) pp. 9 (Translated from Russian) {{MR|1155400}} {{ZBL|}}
|valign="top"|{{Ref|LS}}|| R.Sh. Liptser, A.N. Shiryayev, "Theory of martingales" , Kluwer (1989) pp. 4 (Translated from Russian) {{MR|1022664}} {{ZBL|0728.60048}}

Revision as of 17:50, 29 May 2012

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 60Gxx Secondary: 60Axx [MSN][ZBL]

The equivalence relation between random variables that differ only on a set of probability zero. More precisely, two random variables and , defined on a common probability space , are called stochastically equivalent if . In most problems of probability theory one deals with classes of equivalent random variables, rather than with the random variables themselves.

Two stochastic processes and , , defined on a common probability space are called stochastically equivalent if for any stochastic equivalence holds between the corresponding random variables: . With regard to stochastic processes and with coinciding finite-dimensional distributions, the term "stochastic equivalence" is sometimes used in the broad sense.


The members of a stochastic equivalence class (of random variables or stochastic processes) are sometimes referred to as versions (of each other or of the equivalence class). A version of a random variable or stochastic process is also called a modification.


[Do] J.L. Doob, "Classical potential theory and its probabilistic counterpart" , Springer (1984) pp. 390 MR0731258 Zbl 0549.31001
[GS] I.I. Gihman, A.V. Skorohod, "The theory of stochastic processes" , 1 , Springer (1974) pp. 43ff (Translated from Russian) MR0346882 Zbl 0291.60019
[De] C. Dellacherie, "Capacités et processus stochastiques" , Springer (1972) pp. 46 MR0448504 Zbl 0246.60032
[S] A.V. Skorohod, "Random processes with independent increments" , Kluwer (1991) pp. 9 (Translated from Russian) MR1155400
[LS] R.Sh. Liptser, A.N. Shiryayev, "Theory of martingales" , Kluwer (1989) pp. 4 (Translated from Russian) MR1022664 Zbl 0728.60048
How to Cite This Entry:
Stochastic equivalence. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL:
This article was adapted from an original article by A.V. Prokhorov (originator), which appeared in Encyclopedia of Mathematics - ISBN 1402006098. See original article