
Markov chain, generalized

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A sequence of random variables with the properties:

1) the set of values of each is finite or countable;

2) for any and any ,


A generalized Markov chain satisfying (*) is called -generalized. For , (*) is the usual Markov property. The study of -generalized Markov chains can be reduced to the study of ordinary Markov chains. Consider the sequence of random variables whose values are in one-to-one correspondence with the values of the vector

The sequence forms an ordinary Markov chain.


[1] J.L. Doob, "Stochastic processes" , Wiley (1953)



[a1] D. Freedman, "Markov chains" , Holden-Day (1975)
[a2] J.G. Kemeny, J.L. Snell, "Finite Markov chains" , v. Nostrand (1960)
[a3] D. Revuz, "Markov chains" , North-Holland (1975)
[a4] V.I. [V.I. Romanovskii] Romanovsky, "Discrete Markov chains" , Wolters-Noordhoff (1970) (Translated from Russian)
[a5] E. Seneta, "Non-negative matrices and Markov chains" , Springer (1981)
[a6] A. Blanc-Lapierre, R. Fortet, "Theory of random functions" , 1–2 , Gordon & Breach (1965–1968) (Translated from French)
How to Cite This Entry:
Markov chain, generalized. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL:,_generalized&oldid=13364
This article was adapted from an original article by V.P. Chistyakov (originator), which appeared in Encyclopedia of Mathematics - ISBN 1402006098. See original article