One of the fundamental problems in the classical calculus of variations. It consists in minimizing the functional
in the presence of differential constraints of equality type:
 | (1) |
and boundary conditions
The Lagrange problem is usually considered under the condition that the system (1) is regular, that is, the matrix
has maximal rank:
Under this condition the system (1) can be solved for part of the variables and, using a different notation (
instead of
), the Lagrange problem can be reduced to the form
 | (2) |
The function
and the mapping
are usually assumed to be continuously differentiable. Problems of optimal control are often specified in the form (2) (the Pontryagin form), and restrictions are, moreover, imposed on the control
. Necessary conditions for a strong extremum for the problem (2) (for simplicity, with fixed left-hand end
and free right-hand end
) have the following form. Let
be the Lagrange function. For a vector function
to be a strong minimum in the Lagrange problem (2) it is necessary that the following relations hold:
 | (3) |
 | (4) |
 | (5) |
for all possible admissible values of
If one carries out differentiation in (3) with respect to
and uses the notation
then a necessary condition for a strong minimum can be stated in the form of a maximum principle, in which the Euler equation (3), the transversality condition (4) and the Weierstrass condition (5) are combined. For a vector function
to be a strong minimum in the problem (2) with fixed left-hand end and free right-hand end it is necessary that there is a solution of the system
for which
J.L. Lagrange considered similar problems in connection with studies in mechanics (in the second half of the 18th century).
For references see Variational calculus.
The notation
denotes the inner product of the vectors
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Lagrange problem. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL:
This article was adapted from an original article by I.B. VapnyarskiiV.M. Tikhomirov (originator), which appeared in Encyclopedia of Mathematics - ISBN 1402006098.
See original article