
User:Richard Pinch/sandbox-CZ

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Preparata code

A class of non-linear double-error-correcting codes. They are named after Franco P. Preparata who first described them in 1968.

Let m be an odd number, and n = 2m-1. We first describe the extended Preparata code of length 2n+2 = 2m+1: the Preparata code is then derived by deleting one position. The words of the extended code are regarded as pairs (X,Y) of 2m-tuples, each corresponding to subsets of the finite field GF(2m) in some fixed way.

The extended code contains the words (X,Y) satisfying three conditions

  1. X, Y each have even weight;
  2. \(\sum_{x \in X} x = \sum_{y \in Y} y\);
  3. \(\sum_{x \in x} x^3 + \left(\sum_{x \in X} x\right)^3 = \sum_{y \in Y} y^3\).

The Peparata code is obtained by deleting the position in X corresponding to 0 in GF(2m).

The Preparata code is of length 2m+1-1, size 2k where k = 2m+1 - 2m - 2, and minimum distance 5.

When m=3, the Preparata code of length 15 is also called the Nordstrom–Robinson code.


  • F.P. Preparata; A class of optimum nonlinear double-error-correcting codes, Information and Control, 13 (1968), pp. 378-400, DOI: 10.1016/S0019-9958(68)90874-7
  • J.H. van Lint; Introduction to Coding Theory, ser. GTM 86 , pp. 111-113, Springer-Verlag ISBN: 3-540-54894-7

Selberg sieve

A technique for estimating the size of "sifted sets" of positive integers which satisfy a set of conditions which are expressed by congruences. It was developed by Atle Selberg in the 1940s.


In terms of sieve theory the Selberg sieve is of combinatorial type: that is, derives from a careful use of the inclusion-exclusion principle. Selberg replaced the values of the Möbius function which arise in this by a system of weights which are then optimised to fit the given problem. The result gives an upper bound for the size of the sifted set.

Let A be a set of positive integers ≤ x and let P be a set of primes. For each p in P, let Ap denote the set of elements of A divisible by p and extend this to let Ad the intersection of the Ap for p dividing d, when d is a product of distinct primes from P. Further let A1 denote A itself. Let z be a positive real number and P(z) denote the product of the primes in P which are ≤ z. The object of the sieve is to estimate

\[S(A,P,z) = \left\vert A \setminus \bigcup_{p \in P(z)} A_p \right\vert . \]

We assume that |Ad| may be estimated by

\[ \left\vert A_d \right\vert = \frac{1}{f(d)} X + R_d . \]

where f is a multiplicative function and X   =   |A|. Let the function g be obtained from f by Möbius inversion, that is

\[ g(n) = \sum_{d \mid n} \mu(d) f(n/d) \] \[ f(n) = \sum_{d \mid n} g(d) \]

where μ is the Möbius function. Put

\[ V(z) = \sum_{\begin{smallmatrix}d < z \\ d \mid P(z)\end{smallmatrix}} \frac{\mu^2(d)}{g(d)} . \]


\[ S(A,P,z) \le \frac{X}{V(z)} + O\left({\sum_{\begin{smallmatrix} d_1,d_2 < z \\ d_1,d_2 \mid P(z)\end{smallmatrix}} \left\vert R_{[d_1,d_2]} \right\vert} \right) .\]

It is often useful to estimate V(z) by the bound

\[ V(z) \ge \sum_{d \le z} \frac{1}{f(d)} . \, \]


  • The Brun-Titchmarsh theorem on the number of primes in an arithmetic progression;
  • The number of nx such that n is coprime to φ(n) is asymptotic to e x / log log log (x) .


  • Alina Carmen Cojocaru; M. Ram Murty; An introduction to sieve methods and their applications, ser. London Mathematical Society Student Texts 66 , pp. 113-134, Cambridge University Press ISBN: 0-521-61275-6
  • George Greaves; Sieves in number theory, , Springer-Verlag ISBN: 3-540-41647-1
  • Heini Halberstam; H.E. Richert; Sieve Methods, , Academic Press ISBN: 0-12-318250-6
  • Christopher Hooley; Applications of sieve methods to the theory of numbers, , pp. 7-12, Cambridge University Press ISBN: 0-521-20915-3
  • Atle Selberg; On an elementary method in the theory of primes, Norske Vid. Selsk. Forh. Trondheim, 19 (1947), pp. 64-67

Separation axioms

Template:Subpages In topology, separation axioms describe classes of topological space according to how well the open sets of the topology distinguish between distinct points.


A neighbourhood of a point x in a topological space X is a set N such that x is in the interior of N; that is, there is an open set U such that \(x \in U \subseteq N\). A neighbourhood of a set A in X is a set N such that A is contained in the interior of N; that is, there is an open set U such that \(A \subseteq U \subseteq N\).

Subsets U and V are separated in X if U is disjoint from the closure of V and V is disjoint from the closure of U.

A Urysohn function for subsets A and B of X is a continuous function f from X to the real unit interval such that f is 0 on A and 1 on B.


A topological space X is

  • T0 if for any two distinct points there is an open set which contains just one
  • T1 if for any two points x, y there are open sets U and V such that U contains x but not y, and V contains y but not x
  • T2 if any two distinct points have disjoint neighbourhoods
  • T2½ if distinct points have disjoint closed neighbourhoods
  • T3 if a closed set A and a point x not in A have disjoint neighbourhoods
  • T3½ if for any closed set A and point x not in A there is a Urysohn function for A and {x}
  • T4 if disjoint closed sets have disjoint neighbourhoods
  • T5 if separated sets have disjoint neighbourhoods
  • Hausdorff is a synonym for T2
  • completely Hausdorff is a synonym for T2½
  • regular if T0 and T3
  • completely regular if T0 and T3½
  • Tychonoff is completely regular and T1
  • normal if T0 and T4
  • completely normal if T1 and T5
  • perfectly normal if normal and every closed set is a Gδ


  • A space is T1 if and only if each point (singleton) forms a closed set.
  • Urysohn's Lemma: if A and B are disjoint closed subsets of a T4 space X, there is a Urysohn function for A and B'.


  • Steen, Lynn Arthur; Seebach, J. Arthur Jr.; Counterexamples in Topology, (1978), Springer-Verlag ISBN: 0-387-90312-7

Srivastava code

A class of parameterised error-correcting codes. They are block linear codes which are a special case of alternant codes.

The original Srivastava code of length $n$ and parameter $s$ over $GF(q)$ isdefined by an $n \times s$ parity check matrix $H$ of alternant form $$ \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\alpha_1^\mu}{\alpha_1-w_1} & \cdots & \frac{\alpha_n^\mu}{\alpha_n-w_1} \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ \frac{\alpha_1^\mu}{\alpha_1-w_s} & \cdots & \frac{\alpha_n^\mu}{\alpha_n-w_s} \\ \end{bmatrix} $$ where the $\alpha_i$ and $z_i$ are elements of $GF(q^m)$.

The parameters of this code are length $n$, dimension $\ge n - ms$ and minimum distance $\ge s+1$.


Stably free module

In mathematics, a stably free module is a module which is close to being free.


A module M over a ring R is stably free if there exist free modules F and G over R such that

\[ M \oplus F = G . \, \]


  • A module is stably free if and only if it possesses a finite free resolution.

See also


  • Serge Lang; Algebra, (1993), p. 840, Addison-Wesley ISBN: 0-201-55540-9

Stirling numbers

In combinatorics, the Stirling numbers count certain arrangements of objects into a given number of structures. There are two kinds of Stirling number, depending on the nature of the structure being counted.

The Stirling number of the first kind S(n,k) counts the number of ways n labelled objects can be arranged into k cycles: cycles are regarded as equivalent, and counted only once, if they differ by a cyclic permutation, thus [ABC] = [BCA] = [CAB] but is counted as different from [CBA] = [BAC] = [ACB]. The order of the cycles in the list is irrelevant.

For example, 4 objects can be arranged into 2 cycles in eleven ways, so S(4,2) = 11:

  • [ABC],[D]
  • [ACB],[D]
  • [ABD],[C]
  • [ADB],[C]
  • [ACD],[B]
  • [ADC],[B]
  • [BCD],[A]
  • [BDC],[A]
  • [AB],[CD]
  • [AC],[BD]
  • [AD],[BC]

The Stirling number of the second kind s(n,k) counts the number of ways n labelled objects can be arranged into k subsets: cycles are regarded as equivalent, and counted only once, if they have the same elements, thus {ABC} = {BCA} = {CAB} = {CBA} = {BAC} = {ACB}. The order of the subsets in the list is irrelevant.

For example, 4 objects can be arranged into 2 subsets in seven ways, so s(4,2) = 7:

  • {ABC},{D}
  • {ABD},{C}
  • {ACD},{B}
  • {BCD},{A}
  • {AB},{CD}
  • {AC},{BD}
  • {AD},{BC}


Tau function

In mathematics, Ramanujan's tau function is an arithmetic function which may defined in terms of the Delta form by the formal infinite product

\[q \prod_{n=1}^\infty \left(1-q^n\right)^{24} = \sum_n \tau(n) q^n .\,\]

Since Δ is a Hecke eigenform, the tau function is multiplicative, with formal Dirichlet series and Euler product

\[ \sum_n \tau(n) n^{-s} = \prod_p \left(1 - \tau(p) p^{-s} + p^{11-2s} \right)^{-1} .\,\]

Turan sieve

In mathematics, in the field of number theory, the Turán sieve is a technique for estimating the size of "sifted sets" of positive integers which satisfy a set of conditions which are expressed by congruences. It was developed by Pál Turán in 1934.


In terms of sieve theory the Turán sieve is of combinatorial type: deriving from a rudimentary form of the inclusion-exclusion principle. The result gives an upper bound for the size of the sifted set.

Let A be a set of positive integers ≤ x and let P be a set of primes. For each p in P, let Ap denote the set of elements of A divisible by p and extend this to let Ad the intersection of the Ap for p dividing d, when d is a product of distinct primes from P. Further let A1 denote A itself. Let z be a positive real number and P(z) denote the product of the primes in P which are ≤ z. The object of the sieve is to estimate

\[S(A,P,z) = \left\vert A \setminus \bigcup_{p \in P(z)} A_p \right\vert . \]

We assume that |Ad| may be estimated, when d is a prime p by

\[ \left\vert A_p \right\vert = \frac{1}{f(p)} X + R_p \]

and when d is a product of two distinct primes d = p q by

\[ \left\vert A_{pq} \right\vert = \frac{1}{f(p)f(q)} X + R_{p,q} \]

where X   =   |A| and f is a function with the property that 0 ≤ f(d) ≤ 1. Put

\[ U(z) = \sum_{p \mid P(z)} f(p) . \]


\[ S(A,P,z) \le \frac{X}{U(z)} + \frac{2}{U(z)} \sum_{p \mid P(z)} \left\vert R_p \right\vert + \frac{1}{U(z)^2} \sum_{p,q \mid P(z)} \left\vert R_{p,q} \right\vert . \]



Tutte matrix

In graph theory, the Tutte matrix \(A\) of a graph G = (V,E) is a matrix used to determine the existence of a perfect matching: that is, a set of edges which is incident with each vertex exactly once.

If the set of vertices V has 2n elements then the Tutte matrix is a 2n × 2n matrix A with entries

\[A_{ij} = \begin{cases} x_{ij}\;\;\mbox{if}\;(i,j) \in E \mbox{ and } i<j\\ -x_{ji}\;\;\mbox{if}\;(i,j) \in E \mbox{ and } i>j\\ 0\;\;\;\;\mbox{otherwise} \end{cases}\]

where the xij are indeterminates. The determinant of this skew-symmetric matrix is then a polynomial (in the variables xij, i<j ): this coincides with the square of the pfaffian of the matrix A and is non-zero (as a polynomial) if and only if a perfect matching exists. (It should be noted that this is not the Tutte polynomial of G.)

The Tutte matrix is a generalisation of the Edmonds matrix for a balanced bipartite graph.


Weierstrass preparation theorem

In algebra, the Weierstrass preparation theorem describes a canonical form for formal power series over a complete local ring.

Let O be a complete local ring and f a formal power series in O''X''. Then f can be written uniquely in the form

\[f = (X^n + b_{n-1}X^{n-1} + \cdots + b_0) u(x) , \,\]

where the bi are in the maximal ideal m of O and u is a unit of O''X''.

The integer n defined by the theorem is the Weierstrass degree of f.


  • Serge Lang; Algebra, (1993), pp. 208-209, Addison-Wesley ISBN: 0-201-55540-9

Zipf distribution

In probability theory and statistics, the Zipf distribution and zeta distribution refer to a class of discrete probability distributions. They have been used to model the distribution of words in words in a text , of text strings and keys in databases, and of the sizes of businesses and towns.

The Zipf distribution with parameter n assigns probability proportional to 1/r to an integer rn and zero otherwise, with normalization factor Hn, the n-th harmonic number.

A Zipf-like distribution with parameters n and s assigns probability proportional to 1/rs to an integer rn and zero otherwise, with normalization factor \(\sum_{r=1}^n 1/r^s\).

The zeta distribution with parameter s assigns probability proportional to 1/rs to all integers r with normalization factor given by the Riemann zeta function 1/ζ(s).


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