
User:Richard Pinch/sandbox-WP

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Pinch point

A pinch point or cuspidal point is a type of singular point on an algebraic surface. It is one of the three types of ordinary singularity of a surface.

The equation for the surface near a pinch point may be put in the form

\[ f(u,v,w) = u^2 - vw^2 + [4] \, \]

where [4] denotes terms of degree 4 or more.


Residual property

In the mathematical field of group theory, a group is residually X (where X is some property of groups) if it "can be recovered from groups with property X".

Formally, a group G is residually X if for every non-trivial element g there is a homomorphism h from G to a group with property X such that \(h(g)\neq e\).

More categorically, a group is residually X if it embeds into its pro-X completion (see profinite group, pro-p group), that is, the inverse limit of \(\phi\colon G \to H\) where H is a group with property X.


Important examples include:


Stably free module

A module which is close to being free.


A module M over a ring R is stably free if there exist free modules F and G over R such that

\[ M \oplus F = G . \, \]


  • A projective module is stably free if and only if it possesses a finite free resolution.

See also


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Richard Pinch/sandbox-WP. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL: