Local cohomology
with values in a sheaf of Abelian groups
A cohomology theory with values in a sheaf and with supports contained in a given subset. Let be a topological space,
a sheaf of Abelian groups on
a locally closed subset of
, that is, a closed subset of some subset
open in
. Then
denotes the subgroup of
consisting of the sections of the sheaf
with supports in
. If
is fixed, then the correspondence
defines a left-exact functor from the category of sheaves of Abelian groups on
into the category of Abelian groups. The value of the corresponding
-th right derived functor on
is denoted by
and is called the
-th local cohomology group of
with values in
, with respect to
. One has
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Let be the sheaf on
corresponding to the pre-sheaf that associates with any open subset
the group
. The correspondence
is a left-exact functor from the category of sheaves of Abelian groups on
into itself. The value of its
-th right derived functor on
is denoted by
and is called the
-th local cohomology sheaf of
with respect to
. The sheaf
is associated with the pre-sheaf that associates with an open subset
the group
There is a spectral sequence , converging to
, for which
(see [2], [3]).
Let be a locally closed subset of
a closed subset of
; then there are the following exact sequences:
![]() | (1) |
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![]() | (2) |
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If is the whole of
is a closed subset of
, then the sequence (2) gives the exact sequence
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and the system of isomorphisms
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The sheaves are called the
-th gap sheaves of
and have important applications in questions concerning the extension of sections and cohomology classes of
, defined on
, to the whole of
(see [4]).
If is a locally Noetherian scheme,
is a quasi-coherent sheaf on
is a closed subscheme of
, then
are quasi-coherent sheaves on
. If
is a coherent sheaf of ideals on
that specifies the subscheme
, then one has the isomorphisms
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The following criteria for triviality and coherence of local cohomology sheaves are important for applications (see [3], [4]).
Let be a locally Noetherian scheme or a complex-analytic space,
a locally closed subscheme or analytic subspace of
a coherent sheaf of
-modules, and
a coherent sheaf of ideals that specifies
. Let
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where is the maximal length of a sequence of elements of
that is regular for
, or
. Then the equality
is equivalent to the condition
. Let
is the maximal ideal of the ring
) and let
. If
is a complex-analytic space or an algebraic variety, then all sets
are analytic or algebraic, respectively. If
is a coherent sheaf on
is an analytic subspace or subvariety, respectively, then coherence of the sheaves
is equivalent to the condition
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for any integer .
In terms of local cohomology one can define hyperfunctions, which have important applications in the theory of partial differential equations [5]. Let be an open subset of
, which is naturally imbedded in
. Then
. The pre-sheaf
defines a flabby sheaf, called the sheaf of hyperfunctions.
An analogue of local cohomology also exists in étale cohomology theory [3].
[1] | I.V. Dolgachev, "Abstract algebraic geometry" Russian Math. Surveys , 2 : 3 (1974) pp. 264–303 Itogi Nauk. i Tekhn. Algebra. Topol. Geom. , 10 (1972) pp. 47–112 Zbl 1068.14059 |
[2] | A. Grothendieck, "Local cohomology" , Lect. notes in math. , 41 , Springer (1967) MR0224620 Zbl 0185.49202 |
[3] | A. Grothendieck, "Cohomologie locale des faisceaux cohérents et théorèmes de Lefschetz locaux et globaux" , SGA 2 , North-Holland & Masson (1968) MR0476737 Zbl 1079.14001 Zbl 0159.50402 |
[4] | Y.-T. Siu, "Gap-sheaves and extension of coherent analytic subsheaves" , Springer (1971) MR0287033 Zbl 0208.10403 |
[5] | P. Schapira, "Théorie des hyperfonctions" , Lect. notes in math. , 126 , Springer (1970) MR0631543 MR0270151 Zbl 0201.44805 Zbl 0192.47305 |
[6] | C. Banica, O. Stanasila, "Algebraic methods in the global theory of complex spaces" , Wiley (1976) (Translated from Rumanian) MR0463470 Zbl 0334.32001 |
See also Hyperfunction for the sheaf of hyperfunctions.
For an ideal in a commutative ring
with unit element the local cohomology can be described as follows. Let
be the set of prime ideals in
. For an
the submodule
is defined as
. Thus,
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is a covariant, left-exact,
-linear functor from the category of
-modules into itself. Its derived functors are the local cohomology functors
with respect to
)). These cohomology functors can be explicitly calculated using Koszul complexes, cf. Koszul complex.
[a1] | Y.-T. Siu, "Techniques of extension of analytic objects" , M. Dekker (1974) MR0361154 Zbl 0294.32007 |
Local cohomology. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL: http://encyclopediaofmath.org/index.php?title=Local_cohomology&oldid=47679