The codimension (or quotient or factor dimension) of a subspace of a vector space is the dimension of the quotient space ; it is denoted by , or simply by , and is equal to the dimension of the orthogonal complement of in . One has
If and are two subspaces of of finite codimension, then and are also of finite codimension, and
The codimension of a submanifold of a differentiable manifold is the codimension of the tangent subspace of the tangent space at . If and are finite-dimensional, then
If and are differentiable manifolds, if is a submanifold of and if is a differentiable mapping transversal to , then
The codimension of an algebraic subvariety (or an analytic subspace) of an algebraic variety (analytic space) is the difference
[1] | N. Bourbaki, "Elements of mathematics. Algebra: Algebraic structures. Linear algebra" , 1 , Addison-Wesley (1974) pp. Chapt.1;2 (Translated from French) |
[2] | N. Bourbaki, "Elements of mathematics. Differentiable and analytic manifolds" , Addison-Wesley (1966) (Translated from French) |
[3] | M. Golubitsky, "Stable mappings and their singularities" , Springer (1973) |
The codimension of a subspace of a vector space is equal to the dimension of any complement of in , since all complements have the same dimension (as the orthogonal complement).
Codimension. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL: