
Gray map

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2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 94B60 [MSN][ZBL]

A map from $\mathbf{Z}_4$ to $\mathbf{F}_2^2$, extended in the obvious way to $\mathbf{Z}_4^n$ and $\mathbf{F}_2^n$ which maps Lee distance to Hamming distance. Explicitly, $$ 0 \mapsto 00 \ ,\ \ 1 \mapsto 01 \ ,\ \ 2 \mapsto 11 \ ,\ \ 3 \mapsto 10 \ . $$

The map instantiates a Gray code in dimension 2.


  • Richard E. Blahut, "Algebraic Codes on Lines, Planes, and Curves: An Engineering Approach", Cambridge (2008) ISBN 978-0-521-77194-8 Zbl 1147.94001
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Gray map. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL: