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Grundy–Sprague function, Grundy function

The function from the vertex set of a digraph into the non-negative integers defined inductively by: , where for any subset , , least non-negative integer not in , is the set of (directed) followers of and . Informally, least non-negative integer not among the values . Note that if is a leaf of , i.e., if . In the earlier literature the function was referred to as the Grundy function, [a7]. Only later the more obscure but earlier reference [a10] became known, whence the name changed to Sprague–Grundy function, or -function.

A digraph is locally walk-bounded if for every vertex there is a bound such that the length of every (directed) walk emanating from does not exceed . Every locally walk-bounded digraph has a unique -function. Moreover, . In particular, every finite acyclic digraph has a unique -function.

Many two-player impartial games can be described by means of their game graph (see Two-person zero-sum game), which is a digraph whose vertices are all the game positions, and if and only if there is a legal move from position to position . The -function determines the strategy of such games if the game does not have cycles, i.e., no game position can be repeated. For a normal play, i.e., if the player making the last move wins, the connection is given by:

where is the set of all -positions of the game and is the set of all its -positions. Informally, a -position is any game position from which the "p" {}revious player can force a win, that is, the opponent of the player moving from . An -position is any position from which the "n" {}ext player can force a win, that is, the player who moves from . More precisely, suppose one is given a finite or infinite game with game-graph , which may be cyclic. Denote by the set of all non-negative ordinals not exceeding . By recursion on , define

and and .

If is finite, acyclic and connected, there is a depth-first algorithm for computing . However, there is an algorithm of the same complexity for computing and directly, so who needs ? (Cf. also Complexity theory.)

The answer lies in the important concept of a sum of games. Let be a finite disjoint collection of games with game-graphs , which may have cycles or loops, or may be infinite. Then the sum-game is the two-player game in which a position has the form with for all , and a move consists of selecting some and making a legal move in it ().

The sum-graph is the digraph defined as follows:

if , then if there is some such that , that is, , and for all .

Informally, the sum of games is a game in which a move consists of selecting one of the and making a move in it. For example, Nim is the sum of its heaps, and sums arise naturally in many games. The game-graph of a sum is normally exponential in the size of the , so computing , on it involves an exponential computation. But enables one to formulate a polynomial algorithm: For , let , where denotes Nim addition, also known as Xor (i.e. exclusive or), or addition over . Then . For normal play one then has, in view of the above result,

The polynomiality of the computation is valid for a standard game graph with input size . But many of the more interesting games are succinct, i.e., have input size , and for them some additional property is needed to establish polynomiality. For Nim it is the fact that the -values form an arithmetic sequence (cf. Arithmetic progression); for many octal games [a8] is ultimately polynomial, and for some other games special numeration systems can be exploited to recover polynomiality [a5].

If the game-graph is cyclic, the game's outcome may be a draw, i.e., no player can force a win, but each has a non-losing next move. Two properties of collapse when has cycles:

i) it may not exist or not exist uniquely; in fact, the question of the existence of is -complete [a4]; and

ii) it may not determine the strategy.

Fortunately, however, there is a generalized Sprague–Grundy function , which exists uniquely on all finite and some infinite digraphs [a9], [a3], [a2], where the symbol indicates a value larger than any natural number. One can define also on certain subsets of vertices. Specifically:

if and , one also writes .

Equality of and : If and , then if one of the following holds:

a) ;

b) , and . One also uses the notations

Further, one associates a counter function with , in order to enable the winner to realize a win rather than merely maintaining a non-losing status in cycles.

Given a cyclic digraph , a function is a -function with counter function , where is any infinite well-ordered set, if the following three conditions hold:

A) If , then .

B) If with , then there exists a satisfying and .

C) If , then there is a with such that .

The generalized Nim-sum is defined as the Nim-sum above, augmented by:

where , , , . The generalized Nim-sum of and , for any subsets , , is defined by

To handle sums of games, one sets, analogously to the above Nim addition, , where now denotes generalized Nim addition. For normal play one then has

where is the set of all "d" {}raw positions. For a finite connected digraph , can be computed in steps, which is polynomial in the size of a standard digraph.

Many applications of the -function to games appear in [a1], and some of the results mentioned above are taken from [a6].


[a1] E.R. Berlekamp, J.H. Conway, R.K. Guy, "Winning ways for your mathematical plays" , I–II , Acad. Press (1982)
[a2] A.S. Fraenkel, O. Rahat, "Infinite cyclic impartial games" Theoret. Computer Sci. , 252 (2001) pp. 13–22 (Special issue on Computer Games '98)
[a3] A.S. Fraenkel, Y. Yesha, "Theory of annihilation games I" J. Combin. Th. B , 33 (1982) pp. 60–86
[a4] A.S. Fraenkel, "Planar kernel and Grundy with , , are NP-complete" Discr. Appl. Math. , 3 (1981) pp. 257–262
[a5] A.S. Fraenkel, "Heap games, numeration systems and sequences" Ann. Combinatorics , 2 (1998) pp. 197–210
[a6] A.S. Fraenkel, "Adventures in games and computational complexity" , Graduate Studies in Mathematics , Amer. Math. Soc. (to appear)
[a7] P.M. Grundy, "Mathematics and games" Eureka , 27 (1964) pp. 9–11 (Reprint; originally: ibid. 2 (1939), 6-8)
[a8] R.K. Guy, C.A.B. Smith, "The -values of various games" Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. , 52 (1956) pp. 514–526
[a9] C.A.B. Smith, "Graphs and composite games" J. Combin. Th. , 1 (1966) pp. 51–81
[a10] R. Sprague, "Über mathematische Kampfspiele" Tôhoku Math. J. , 41 (1935/36) pp. 438–444
How to Cite This Entry:
Sprague-Grundy function. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL:
This article was adapted from an original article by Aviezri S. Fraenkel (originator), which appeared in Encyclopedia of Mathematics - ISBN 1402006098. See original article