Separable mapping
A dominant morphism between irreducible algebraic varieties
, for which the field
is a separable extension of the subfield
(isomorphic to
in view of the dominance). Non-separable mappings exist only when the characteristic
of the ground field is larger than 0. If
is a finite dominant morphism and its degree is not divisible by
, then it is separable. For a separable mapping there exists a non-empty open set
such that for all
the differential
surjectively maps the tangent space
, and conversely: If the points
are non-singular and
is surjective, then
is a separable mapping.
A morphism of schemes
is called separated if the diagonal in
is closed. A composite of separated morphisms is separated;
is separated if and only if for any point
there is a neighbourhood
such that the morphism
is separated. A morphism of affine schemes is always separated. There are conditions for Noetherian schemes to be separated.
A morphism of algebraic varieties or schemes is called dominant if
is dense in
In the Russian literature the phrase "separabel'noe otobrazhenie" which literally translates as "separable mapping" is sometimes encountered in the meaning "separated mapping" .
Let be the affine plane, and put
. Let
be obtained by glueing two copies of
by the identity. Then
is a non-separated scheme.
[a1] | R. Hartshorne, "Algebraic geometry" , Springer (1977) pp. Sect. IV.2 |
Separable mapping. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL: