
Regulated rewriting

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An important branch of formal language theory, starting from the observation that most natural and artificial languages of interest are non-context-free (cf. Grammar, context-free). By imposing certain restrictions on the derivation in context-free grammars, the generative power is increased, still preserving some of the attractive features of context-free grammars.

There are some dozens of regulating mechanisms of this type: matrix, programmed, random context, regularly controlled, periodically time variant, indexed, state, valence, parallel grammars, grammars controlled by bicoloured digraphs, etc. See [a1] for details; recent information can be found in [a2].


A programmed grammar (introduced in [a3]) is a construct

where , are disjoint alphabets (the non-terminal and the terminal alphabet), (axiom), and is a finite set of quadruples ; is a context-free rule over , is the label of the rule, and are sets of labels of rules in ( is the success field and is the failure field). Let be the set of all labels of rules in . For one writes if one of the following two cases holds:

1) and , for , , and ;

2) does not contain the symbol , for and , . (Note the way of controlling the sequencing of rules application by means of the mappings and from to the power set of .) The language generated by is

where is the reflexive and transitive closure of the relation . Let be the family of languages of this form; when -rules are not allowed, one writes . When for all rules in , one says that the grammar is without appearance checking; the corresponding families of languages are denoted by , PR. Denote by CF, CS, and RE the families of context-free, context-sensitive, and recursively enumerable languages, respectively. Then:

1) , ;

2) is an abstract family of languages (cf. also Trio).


[a1] J. Dassow, Gh. Păun, "Regulated rewriting in formal language theory" , Springer (1989)
[a2] J. Dassow, Gh. Păun, A. Salomaa, "Regulated rewriting" G. Rozenberg (ed.) A. Salomaa (ed.) , Handbook of Formal Languages , Springer (1997)
[a3] D. Rosenkrantz, "Programmed grammars and classes of formal languages" J. ACM , 16 (1969) pp. 107 –131
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Regulated rewriting. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL:
This article was adapted from an original article by Gh. Păun (originator), which appeared in Encyclopedia of Mathematics - ISBN 1402006098. See original article