Normal epimorphism
From Encyclopedia of Mathematics
A morphism having the characteristic property of the natural mapping of a group onto a quotient group or of a ring onto a quotient ring. Let be a category with zero morphisms. A morphism
is called a normal epimorphism if every morphism
for which it always follows from
, that
, can be uniquely represented in the form
. The cokernel of any morphism is a normal epimorphism. The converse assertion is false, in general; however, when morphisms in
have kernels, then every normal epimorphism is a cokernel. In an Abelian category every epimorphism is normal. The concept of a normal epimorphism is dual to that of a normal monomorphism.
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Normal epimorphism. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL:
Normal epimorphism. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL:
This article was adapted from an original article by M.Sh. Tsalenko (originator), which appeared in Encyclopedia of Mathematics - ISBN 1402006098. See original article