Fibre space
An object , where
is a continuous surjective mapping of a space
onto a space
(a fibration).
are also called the total space, the base and the projection of the fibre space, respectively, and
is called the fibre above
. A fibre space can be regarded as the union of the fibres
, parametrized by the base
and glued by the topology of
. For example, there is the product
, where
is the projection onto the first factor; the fibration-base
, where
is identified with
; and the fibre space over a point, where
is identified with a (unique) space
A section of a fibration (fibre space) is a continuous mapping such that
The restriction of a fibration (fibre space) to a subset
is the fibration
, where
. A generalization of the operation of restriction is the construction of an induced fibre bundle.
A mapping is called a morphism of a fibre space
into a fibre space
if it maps fibres into fibres, that is, if for each point
there exists a point
such that
. Such an
determines a mapping
, given by
is a covering of
, and
; the restrictions
are mappings of fibres. If
, then
is called a
-morphism. Fibre spaces and their morphisms form a category containing the fibre spaces over
and their
-morphisms as a subcategory.
Any section of a fibration is a fibre space
. If
, then the canonical imbedding
is a fibre space morphism from
When is a homeomorphism, it is called a fibre space isomorphism, a fibre space isomorphic to a product is called a trivial fibre space, and an isomorphism
is called a trivialization of
If each fibre is homeomorphic to a space
, then
is called a fibration with fibre
. For example, in any locally trivial fibre space over a connected base
, all the fibres
are homeomorphic, and one can take
to be any
; this determines homeomorphisms
Both the notations and
are used to denote a fibration, a fibre space or a fibre bundle.
In the West a mapping would only be called a fibration if it satisfied some suitable condition, for example, the homotopy lifting property for cubes ( "Serre fibration" ; see Covering homotopy for the homotopy lifting property, [a3]). A mapping
would be called a morphism (respectively, an isomorphism) only if the induced function
were continuous (respectively, a homeomorphism).
[a1] | A. Dold, "Partitions of unity in the theory of fibrations" Ann. of Math. , 78 (1963) pp. 223–255 |
[a2] | D. Husemoller, "Fibre bundles" , McGraw-Hill (1966) |
[a3] | J.-P. Serre, "Homologie singulière des èspaces fibrés" Ann. of Math. , 54 (1951) pp. 425–505 |
[a4] | E.H. Spanier, "Algebraic topology" , McGraw-Hill (1966) pp. Chapt. 2 |
[a5] | N.E. Steenrod, "The topology of fibre bundles" , Princeton Univ. Press (1951) |
Fibre space. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL: