
Dispersion relation

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A relation connecting certain magnitudes which characterize the scattering of particles with magnitudes characterizing their absorption. More exactly, the dispersion relation is a relation connecting the real part of the scattering amplitude (in the more general case, the Green function) with certain types of integrals of its imaginary part. Let a function be absolutely integrable on the axis, and let it satisfy the causal relation , . Then its Fourier–Laplace transform

will be a holomorphic function in the upper half-plane , and the real and imaginary parts of the boundary value will satisfy the dispersion relation


In describing real physical processes the dispersion relation of the type (*) becomes more complicated, since the function may increase at infinity as a polynomial (in this case a dispersion relation with subtractions is obtained), the boundary value may be a generalized function of slow growth, while the number of variables may be more than one (multi-dimensional dispersion relations).


[1] N.N. Bogolyubov, B.V. Medvedev, M.K. Polivanov, "Questions in the theory of dispersion relations" , Moscow (1958) (In Russian)
[2] V.S. Vladimirov, "Generalized functions in mathematical physics" , MIR (1979) (Translated from Russian)
[3] N.N. Bogolyubov, A.A. Logunov, A.I. Oksak, I.T. Todorov, "General principles of quantum field theory" , Kluwer (1990) (Translated from Russian)


A dispersion relation of the type defined here is often called a Kramers–Kronig relation. In the classical dispersion of light the relation gives a connection between the real (dispersive) and imaginary (absorptive) parts of the index of refraction.

Consider a linear wave equation such as the beam equation . For a sinusoidal wave train to satisfy such an equation some relation between the frequency and the wave number must hold. In this case . This relation is called the dispersion relation. There are generalizations to non-linear wave equations, e.g., the KdV-equation, where the dispersion relation also involves the amplitude. Dispersion relations for waves are extensively discussed in [a5].


[a1] R. Kronig, J Opt. Soc. Amer , 12 (1926) pp. 547
[a2] H.A. Kramers, , Atti. Congr. Intern. Fisici Como , 2 (1927) pp. 545
[a3] N.G. van Kampen, "-matrix and causality condition I. Maxwell field" Phys. Rev. , 89 (1953) pp. 1072–1079
[a4] N.G. van Kampen, "-matrix and causality condition II. Nonrelativistic particles" Phys. Rev. , 91 (1953) pp. 1267–1276
[a5] H. Bremermann, "Distributions, complex variables, and Fourier transforms" , Addison-Wesley (1965)
[a6] G.B. Whitham, "Linear and non-linear waves" , Wiley (1974)
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This article was adapted from an original article by V.S. Vladimirov (originator), which appeared in Encyclopedia of Mathematics - ISBN 1402006098. See original article