Contraction of a Lie algebra
An operation inverse to deformation of a Lie algebra. Let be a finite-dimensional real Lie algebra, let
be its set of structure constants with respect to a fixed basis
and let
, be a curve in the group of non-singular linear transformations of
such that
. Let
and let
be the structure constants of
with respect to the basis
. If
tends to some limit
, then the algebra
defined by these constants relative to the original basis is called a contraction of the initial algebra
. The contraction
is also a Lie algebra, moreover
can be obtained by means of a deformation of
. If
is the Lie algebra of a Lie group
, then the Lie group
corresponding to
is called a contraction of the group
Although , in general these algebras are not isomorphic. For example, if
, then
, so for this contraction the limit algebra is always commutative. The natural generalization of this example is the following: Let
be a subalgebra in
, let
be a subspace complementary to
, let, moreover,
for each
. Then in the limit
becomes a commutative ideal of
, while at the same time multiplication in
and the operation of
remain the same.
In particular, let be the Lorentz group,
its Lie algebra and
the subalgebra corresponding to the subgroup of rotations of
-dimensional space. Then the described contraction of
gives the Lie algebra of the Galilean group
(see Galilean transformation; Lorentz transformation). Hence the Lorentz algebra is a deformation of the Galilean algebra, and it can be shown that the complexification of the Galilean algebra has no other deformations; in the real case the Galilean algebra can also be a contraction of the orthogonal Lie algebra
. An equivalent method of obtaining the Galilean algebra from the Lorentz algebra is to define the Lorentz algebra as the algebra preserving the Minkowski form
, and then letting the velocity of light tend to
. As long as
, the algebra arising is isomorphic to
. Analogously, deforming the Poincaré algebra (the inhomogeneous Lorentz algebra), it is possible to obtain the de Sitter algebras
of motions of a space of constant curvature. Correspondingly, setting the curvature to 0, one obtains the Poincaré group as a contraction of the de Sitter group.
The connection between these algebras can be extended to representations. If, as in the described examples, there is a matrix , then each representation
generates a representation
of the contraction algebra by the formula
![]() |
for any . The inverse operation (deformation of a representation) is not possible, in general.
[1] | A.O. Barut, R. Raçzka, "Theory of group representations and applications" , 1–2 , PWN (1977) |
[2] | E. Inönü, E.P. Wigner, "On the contraction of groups and their representations" Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA , 39 (1953) pp. 510–524 |
[3] | E.J. Saletan, "Contraction of Lie groups" J. Math. Phys. , 2 (1961) pp. 1–22; 742 |
Contraction of a Lie algebra. A.K. Tolpygo (originator), Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL: