Brown-Douglas-Fillmore theory
BDF theory
The story of Brown–Douglas–Fillmore theory begins with the Weyl–von Neumann theorem, which, in one of its formulations, says that a bounded self-adjoint operator on an infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space
is determined up to compact perturbations, modulo unitary equivalence, by its essential spectrum. (The essential spectrum is the spectrum
of the image
in the Calkin algebra
; it is also the spectrum of the restriction of
to the orthogonal complement of the eigenspaces of
for the eigenvalues of finite multiplicity; cf. also Spectrum of an operator.) In other words, unitary equivalence modulo the compacts
washes out all information about the spectral measure of
, and only the essential spectrum remains. This result was extended to normal operators (cf. also Normal operator) by I.D. Berg [a4] and W. Sikonia [a12], working independently. However, the theorem is not true for operators that are only essentially normal, in other words, for operators
such that
. Indeed, the "unilateral shift"
, where
is a rank-one projection, yet
cannot be a compact perturbation of a normal operator since its Fredholm index (cf. also Fredholm operator; Index of an operator) is non-zero. In [a2], L.G. Brown, R.G. Douglas and P.A. Fillmore (known to operator theorists as "BDF" ) showed that this is the only obstruction: an operator
is a compact perturbation of a normal operator if and only if
is essentially normal and
for every
However, they went considerably further, by putting this theorem in a -algebraic context in [a2] and [a3]. An operator
"up to compact perturbations" defines an injective
-homomorphism from a
(the closed subalgebra of
generated by
) to
, and the
is Abelian if and only if
is essentially normal. More generally, an extension of a separable
is an injective
, since this is equivalent to a commutative diagram with exact rows:
![]() |
BDF defined a natural equivalence relation (basically unitary equivalence) and an addition operation on such extensions, giving a commutative monoid , whose
-element is represented by split extensions (those for which there is a lifting
). (The essential uniqueness of the split extensions was shown in [a14].) It was shown by M.D. Choi and E.G. Effros [a6] (see also [a1]) that this monoid is a group whenever
is nuclear (cf. also Nuclear space). (BDF originally worked only with Abelian
, for which this is automatic, and they used the notation
.) BDF showed that
behaves like a generalized homology theory in
(cf. also Generalized cohomology theories), and in fact for finite CW-complexes (cf. also CW-complex) coincides with
, where
is the homology theory dual to complex
-theory. This was extended in [a7], where it was shown that
is canonically isomorphic to
, Steenrod
-homology (cf. also Steenrod–Sitnikov homology), for all compact metric spaces
, and in [a5], where it was shown that on a suitable category of
fits into a short exact sequence
![]() |
![]() |
It is now (as of 2000) known that BDF theory is just a special case of a more general theory of -algebra extensions. One type of generalization (see [a13]) involves replacing
by the algebra of "compact" operators of a
factor (cf. also von Neumann algebra). Another sort of generalization involves replacing
by an algebra of the form
, where
is another separable (or
-algebra. Theories of this sort were worked out in [a9], [a10] and in [a8], though the theory of [a9], [a10] turns out to be basically a special case of Kasparov's theory (see [a11]). Kasparov's
-theory gives rise to a bivariant functor
, and when
is nuclear, this coincides [a8] with Kasparov's bivariant
[a1] | W. Arveson, "Notes on extensions of ![]() |
[a2] | L.G. Brown, R.G. Douglas, P.A. Fillmore, "Unitary equivalence modulo the compact operators and extensions of ![]() |
[a3] | L.G. Brown, R.G. Douglas, P.A. Fillmore, "Extensions of ![]() ![]() |
[a4] | I.D. Berg, "An extension of the Weyl–von Neumann theorem to normal operators" Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. , 160 (1971) pp. 365–371 |
[a5] | L.G. Brown, "The universal coefficient theorem for ![]() |
[a6] | M.D. Choi, E.G. Effros, "The completely positive lifting problem for ![]() |
[a7] | J. Kaminker, C. Schochet, "![]() |
[a8] | G.G. Kasparov, "The operator ![]() ![]() |
[a9] | M. Pimsner, S. Popa, D. Voiculescu, "Homogeneous ![]() ![]() |
[a10] | M. Pimsner, S. Popa, D. Voiculescu, "Homogeneous ![]() ![]() |
[a11] | J. Rosenberg, C. Schochet, "Comparing functors classifying extensions of ![]() |
[a12] | W. Sikonia, "The von Neumann converse of Weyl's theorem" Indiana Univ. Math. J. , 21 (1971/72) pp. 121–124 |
[a13] | G. Skandalis, "On the group of extensions relative to a semifinite factor" J. Oper. Th. , 13 : 2 (1985) pp. 255–263 |
[a14] | D. Voiculescu, "A non-commutative Weyl–von Neumann theorem" Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. , 21 : 1 (1976) pp. 97–113 |
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