Arithmetical averages, summation method of
One of the methods for summing series and sequences. The series
is summable by the method of arithmetical averages to the sum if
where . In this case, one also says that the sequence is summable by the method of arithmetical averages to the limit . The summation method of arithmetical averages is also called the Cesàro summation method of the first order (cf. Cesàro summation methods). The summation method of arithmetical averages is completely regular (see Regular summation methods) and translative (see Translativity of a summation method).
[1] | G.H. Hardy, "Divergent series" , Clarendon Press (1949) |
Instead of "arithmetical averages" the term "summation method of arithmetical meansarithmetical means" is sometimes used, cf. [a1], and instead of "summation" one also uses "summability" : summability method.
[a1] | R.G. Cooke, "Infinite matrices and sequence spaces" , Macmillan (1950) |
Arithmetical averages, summation method of. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL:,_summation_method_of&oldid=18557