Algebra of functions
function algebra
A semi-simple commutative Banach algebra , realized as an algebra of continuous functions on the space of maximal ideals
. If
and if
is some function defined on the spectrum of the element
(i.e. on the set of values of the function
), then
is some function on
. Clearly, it is not necessarily true that
. If, however,
is an entire function, then
for any
. The use of the Cauchy integral formula permits a considerable strengthening of this result: If the function
is analytic in some neighbourhood of the spectrum of the element
, then
and the mapping
is a homomorphism of the algebra of functions which are analytic in some neighbourhood of the spectrum of
. This proposition is valid for non-semi-simple commutative Banach algebras as well. Moreover, this class of functions that are analytic in a neighbourhood of the spectrum of a given element cannot be enlarged, in general. For example, if
for all
with spectrum in the interval
, then
is analytic in some neighbourhood of this interval.
In a few cases can also be defined for multi-valued analytic functions
, but such a definition has inherent difficulties. Thus, let
be the algebra of continuous functions in the disc
that are analytic in the disc
and that satisfy the condition
. The unit disc is naturally identified with the space of maximal ideals of
. The function
, which is continuous on the space of maximal ideals, does not belong to
, but is a solution of the quadratic equation
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where .
If is a semi-simple algebra with space of maximal ideals
, if
and if
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with , the group of units of
(a simple root), then
. Similarly, if
and if
, then
A function algebra is said to be a uniformly-convergent algebra (or uniform algebra) if the norm in this algebra defines a notion of convergence equivalent to the uniform convergence of the functions on the space of maximal ideals. If
for all
, then
is a uniform algebra. The general example of a uniform algebra is a closed subalgebra of the algebra of bounded continuous functions on some topological space, provided with the natural sup-norm.
If is a uniform algebra and if its space of maximal ideals is metrizable, then among the boundaries (not only the closed ones) there is a minimal boundary
, the closure of which is the Shilov boundary. The set
consists of "peak points" :
is a peak point if there exists a function
such that
for all
. In the present case any point in the space of maximal ideals has a representing measure concentrated on
A function algebra is said to be analytic if all functions of this algebra that vanish on a non-empty open subset of the space of maximal ideals vanish identically. Algebras that are analytic with respect to the boundary are defined in a similar manner. Any analytic algebra is analytic with respect to the Shilov boundary; the converse is usually not true.
A function algebra is said to be regular if, for any closed set
in the space
of maximal ideals of
and for any point
not contained in
, it is possible to find a function
such that
for all
. All regular algebras are normal, i.e. for any pair of non-intersecting closed sets
there exists an element
such that
for all
for all
. In a regular algebra, for any finite open covering
, of the space
there exists a partition of unity belonging to
, i.e. a system of functions
for which
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A function is said to belong locally to the function algebra
if for any point
there exists a neighbourhood in which this function coincides with some function of the algebra. Any function which locally belongs to a regular algebra is itself an element of this algebra.
An element of a function algebra is called real if
is real for all
. If
is an algebra with real generators
and if
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for all , then
is regular.
An ideal in a Banach algebra is said to be primary if it is contained in only one maximal ideal. If is a regular function algebra, then each maximal ideal
contains a smallest closed primary ideal
which is contained in any closed primary ideal contained in
. The ideal
is the closure of the ideal formed by the functions
that vanish in some neighbourhood (depending on
) of
In the algebra of absolutely convergent Fourier series with an adjoined identity any maximal ideal coincides with the corresponding primary ideal.
Let be a closed subalgebra of the algebra
, where
is a compactum (which does not necessarily coincide with the space of maximal ideals of
). Let
separate the points of
, i.e. for any two different points
there exists a function
for which
. The algebra
is called symmetric if both a function
and the function
belong to it. According to the Stone–Weierstrass theorem, if
is symmetric, then
. The algebra
called anti-symmetric if it follows from the conditions
is a constant function. In particular, algebras of analytic functions are anti-symmetric. A subset
is called a set of anti-symmetry (with respect to the algebra
) if any function
that is real on
is constant on this set. It follows from this definition that the algebra
is anti-symmetric if the whole set
is a set of anti-symmetry. In the general case the space
can be represented as the union of non-intersecting, closed, maximal sets of anti-symmetry. Each maximal set of anti-symmetry is an intersection of peak sets (a set
is called a peak set if there exists a function
such that
). It follows that the restriction
of the algebra
to a maximal set of anti-symmetry is a closed (anti-symmetric) subalgebra of the algebra
. If
is the space of maximal ideals of the algebra
, the maximal sets of anti-symmetry are connected. If a continuous function is such that on each maximal set of anti-symmetry it coincides with some function in the algebra
, then the function itself belongs to
. This generalization of the Stone–Weierstrass theorem makes it possible, in principle, to reduce the study of arbitrary uniform algebras to the study of anti-symmetric algebras
. However, the study of arbitrary algebras
cannot be reduced to the study of analytic algebras: There exists an example of an algebra of type
(a closed subalgebra of the algebra
) which does not coincide with
, and is anti-symmetric and regular.
Let be the real space of functions of the form
, where
; if
is an algebra or if
is closed in
, then
. The space
can be regarded as a part of the space of maximal ideals of the algebra
; accordingly, not only the ordinary topology of the space of maximal ideals, but also the metric induced by the imbedding of
into the dual space to
can be considered on
. The distance in the sense of this metric will be denoted by
. For any points
the inequality
is valid; the relation
is an equivalence relation, and the equivalence classes are known as Gleason parts. If
is the disc
is the closed subalgebra in
consisting of the functions analytic in
, then the metric
is non-Euclidean, and the one-point sets on the circle and in the interior of the disc serve as the Gleason parts. Gleason parts do not necessarily have an analytic structure: Any
-compact completely-regular space is homeomorphic to the Gleason part of the space of maximal ideals of some algebra, such that the restriction of the algebra to this part contains all bounded continuous functions. The fact that two points belong to the same Gleason part can be described in terms of the representing measures on the Shilov boundary: Two such points have two mutually absolutely continuous representing measures with bounded derivatives. An algebra for which
is dense in
is called a Dirichlet algebra; if
is a Gleason part in the space of maximal ideals of a Dirichlet algebra which contains more than one point, then there exists a continuous one-to-one mapping
of the disc
such that for any function
the function
is analytic in
. Thus,
has a structure with respect to which the functions
are analytic; the mapping
is not a homeomorphism in general if
is endowed with the ordinary topology of the space of maximal ideals, but
is a homeomorphism if
is endowed with the metric
For references see Banach algebra.
[a1] | T.W. Gamelin, "Uniform algebras" , Prentice-Hall (1969) |
[a2] | E.L. Stout, "The theory of uniform algebras" , Bogden & Quigley (1971) |
Algebra of functions. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL: