
User:Boris Tsirelson/sandbox1

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$\newcommand{\Om}{\Omega} \newcommand{\A}{\mathcal A} \newcommand{\B}{\mathcal B} \newcommand{\M}{\mathcal M} $ The term "universally measurable" may be applied to

Let $(X,\A)$ be a measurable space. A subset $A\subset X$ is called universally measurable, if it is $\mu$-measurable for every finite measure $\mu$ on $(X,\A)$. In other words: $\mu_*(A)=\mu^*(A)$ where $\mu_*,\mu^*$ are the inner and outer measures for $\mu$, that is,

$ \mu_*(A) = \max\{\mu(B):B\in\A,B\subset A\}\,,\quad \mu^*(A) = \min\{\mu(B):B\in\A,B\supset A\}\,.$


[T] Terence Tao, "An introduction to measure theory", AMS (2011).   MR2827917   Zbl 05952932
[P] David Pollard, "A user's guide to measure theoretic probability", Cambridge (2002).   MR1873379   Zbl 0992.60001
[K] Alexander S. Kechris, "Classical descriptive set theory", Springer-Verlag (1995).   MR1321597   Zbl 0819.04002
[BK] Howard Becker and Alexander S. Kechris, "The descriptive set theory of Polish group actions", Cambridge (1996).   MR1425877   Zbl 0949.54052
[D] Richard M. Dudley, "Real analysis and probability", Wadsworth&Brooks/Cole (1989).   MR0982264   Zbl 0686.60001
[M] George W. Mackey, "Borel structure in groups and their duals", Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 85 (1957), 134–165.   MR0089999   Zbl 0082.11201
[H] Paul R. Halmos, "Measure theory", v. Nostrand (1950).   MR0033869   Zbl 0040.16802
[R] Walter Rudin, "Principles of mathematical analysis", McGraw-Hill (1953).   MR0055409   Zbl 0052.05301
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