Pisot sequence
The standard Pisot -sequence
is the sequence of positive integers
defined for
by the recursion
![]() |
if , where
denotes the nearest integer function. For example
. If
, one can show that
, where
and where
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Thus, at least when , it is clear that
is badly distributed modulo
(cf. also Distribution modulo one). These sequences were originally considered in [a7] for this reason.
The are called
-numbers. The set
-numbers is dense in the interval
contains the set
of those
for which there is a
such that
. (Here
denotes the distance from
to the nearest integer.) It follows that
is countable. The set
also contains the set
of Pisot numbers (cf. Pisot number) and the set
of Salem numbers (cf. Salem number).
The recurrent -sequences are those that satisfy linear recurrence relations. The corresponding subset of
is denoted by
. It was shown in [a6] that
. A proof that
, as envisaged in [a7], would show that
and hence that:
i) ; and
ii) is dense in
. However, it was proved in [a2] that there are non-recurrent
-sequences and that the set of
corresponding to these is dense in
. While this does not settle the question of whether
(since a given
might arise from both a recurrent and a non-recurrent Pisot sequence) it makes this unlikely. The prevailing opinion is that i) is true (Pisot's conjecture), but that ii) is false.
Families of -sequences of the type
were studied in [a5], where conditions are given under which each member of such a family will satisfy a linear recurrence for sufficiently large
. In this case the degree of the recurrence does not depend on
. For example,
is recurrent for
[a5] but is non-recurrent for
Many generalizations of Pisot sequences are possible and some were already considered by Ch. Pisot in [a3] (see also [a1], Chapts. 13; 14). One interesting variant replaces the rounding operator by other operators, perhaps dependent on
. This can have a dramatic affect on the possible linear recurrence relations satisfied by the sequences (see, e.g. [a4]).
[a1] | M.J. Bertin, A. Decomps–Guilloux, M. Grandet–Hugot, M. Pathiaux–Delefosse, J.P. Schreiber, "Pisot and Salem Numbers" , Birkhäuser (1992) |
[a2] | D.W. Boyd, "Pisot sequences which satisfy no linear recurrence" Acta Arith. , 32 (1977) pp. 89–98 (See also: vol. 48 (1987), 191-195) |
[a3] | D.W. Boyd, "Pisot and Salem numbers in intervals of the real line" Math. Comp. , 32 (1978) pp. 1244–1260 |
[a4] | D.W. Boyd, "Linear recurrence relations for some generalized Pisot sequences" F.Q. Gouvea (ed.) N. Yui (ed.) , Advances in Number Theory , Oxford Univ. Press (1993) pp. 333–340 |
[a5] | D.G. Cantor, "On families of Pisot E-sequences" Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. , 9 : 4 (1976) pp. 283–308 |
[a6] | P. Flor, "Über eine Klasse von Folgen naturlicher Zahler" Math. Ann. , 140 (1960) pp. 299–307 |
[a7] | Ch. Pisot, "La répartition modulo ![]() |
Pisot sequence. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL: http://encyclopediaofmath.org/index.php?title=Pisot_sequence&oldid=49969