
User talk:Boris Tsirelson

From Encyclopedia of Mathematics
Revision as of 19:59, 6 March 2012 by Boris Tsirelson (talk | contribs) (doubled MR)
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thanks! MarcoRiccardi 19:02, 14 January 2012 (CET)

Hi Boris, I have seen you editing Limit theorems. Since I have developed some software to automatically remap the references and to find the MR and Zbl links: Should I give it a try for this page and you check correctness?

It definitely saves time. If you agree: I usually combine the references if there are several ones (and also try to integrate comments into the text or make it another paragraph). Should I do the same in this case? --Ulf Rehmann 18:34, 6 March 2012 (CET)

I never object to any improvement of any article. And, in terms of Wikipedia, I am never the owner of an article (unless we introduce such notion); authorship on a wiki is collective (unless the contrary is explicitly stated). Yes, I know you have, and use, such a software. Very nice. I just added MSC to "Limit theorems" (as well as to many other articles). Hopefully my edits do not hinder your program. Please do. --Boris Tsirelson 19:30, 6 March 2012 (CET)
Thanks, I know your ideas concerning wiki, but since this software is just in test state, I'd like to get your cooperation. So one item was not found at all, two other were doubled (as there is part one and two, an additional info which may be helpful to readers). In case you find an instance by hand in MR/Zbl which wasn't found by my program please let me know. Sometimes this happens because a title or something else was misspelled.
Yes, I see. Well, I know Paulauskas personally; he was misspelled. But I wonder, why MR states 1989 but ZBL states 1987 for that book. --Boris Tsirelson 20:54, 6 March 2012 (CET)
About the doubled MR, I am afraid, it is more puzzling than helpful; if indeed the other volume is helpful, it should be included into the bibliography (not necessarily as a separate item). In fact, I did so in "Measure space#F. --Boris Tsirelson 20:59, 6 March 2012 (CET)
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