Bessel functions
of the Bessel differential equation
 | (1) |
is an arbitrary real or complex number (see Bessel equation).
Cylinder functions of arbitrary order.
is not an integer, then the general solution of equation (1) has the form
are constants and
are the so-called cylinder functions of the first kind or Bessel functions. They have the expansion
The series for
on the right-hand side converges absolutely and uniformly for all
, where
are arbitrary positive numbers. The functions
are analytic with singular points
; the derivatives of
satisfy the following identity:
 | (2) |
But if
is an integer, then
are linearly independent and the linear combinations of them no longer yield the general solutions of (1). Therefore, apart from cylinder functions of the first kind one introduces cylinder functions of the second kind
(or Neumann functions, Weber functions, cf. Neumann functions):
 | (3) |
(another notation is
). By means of these functions the general solution of equation (1) can be written in the form
For applications, cylinder functions of the third kind (or Hankel functions) are also important, being solutions of (1). They are denoted by
, where by definition
The identities
 | (4) |
and the relations
hold. For real
the Hankel functions are complex-conjugate solutions of (1). The functions
give the real part and the functions
give the imaginary part of the Hankel functions.
The cylinder functions
of the first, second and third kind satisfy the recurrence formulas
 | (5) |
Every pair of functions
forms (when
is not an integer) a fundamental system of solutions of (1).
Modified cylinder functions are cylinder functions of an imaginary argument:
and the Macdonald functions (cf. Macdonald function)
These functions are solutions of the differential equation
and satisfy the recurrence formulas
 | (6) |
 | (7) |
Cylinder functions of integral and half-integral orders.
is an integer,
can be defined by means of the Jacobi–Anger formulas
The equalities
hold. The function
is an entire transcendental function of the argument
; when
, is algebraic,
is a transcendental number, and
. As a second solution of (1), linearly independent of
, one takes, as a rule, the function
 | (8) |
is Euler's constant. If in one of the finite sums the upper summation index is less than the lower one, the corresponding sum has the value 0. The equality
Cylinder functions turn into elementary functions if and only if the index
takes the values
(spherical Bessel functions or cylinder functions of half-integral order). The following formulas hold
in particular,
in particular,
Integral representations of cylinder functions.
there are Bessel's integral representations
there are Poisson's integral representations
Apart from these there are many other integral representations, in particular in the form of contour integrals (see [2], [4], [5]).
Asymptotic behaviour of cylinder functions.
, one has
For real
there is the following estimate
 | (9) |
 | (10) |
the series (9) and (10) terminate. The Hankel functions are the only cylinder functions that tend to 0 for complex values of the variable
(and this is their merit in applications):
For large values of
asymptotic series of special types are used (see [1], [2], [3], [5]).
Zeros of cylinder functions.
The zeros of an arbitrary cylinder function are simple except for
. If
are real, then between two real zeros of
lies one real zero of
. For real
has infinitely many real zeros; for
all zeros of
are real; if
are the positive zeros of
, then
for the smallest positive zero of
. The pairs of functions
have no common zeros except
. If
has exactly
complex zeros, two of which are pure imaginary; if
has exactly
complex zeros with non-zero real part.
Addition theorems and series expansions of cylinder functions.
The following addition theorems hold:
are the ultraspherical polynomials. In expansions of cylinder functions one uses Lommel polynomials (cf. Lommel polynomial), Neumann series, Fourier–Bessel series, and Dirichlet series.
Connected with spherical functions are the Anger functions, the Struve functions, the Lommel functions (cf. Anger function; Struve function; Lommel function), as well as the Kelvin functions and the Airy functions.
Cylinder functions can be defined as limit functions of spherical functions in the following way:
Here, asymptotic representations of spherical functions are connected with cylinder functions and vice versa, for example, as in Hilb's formula
and in the expansions of Macdonald, Watson, Tricomi, and others (see [1], [2], [4]).
Calculation of values of cylinder functions on a computer.
For the numerical evaluation of the functions
, approximations by polynomials and rational functions are convenient (see [5]). For expansions with respect to Chebyshev polynomials see [6]. For the calculation of functions of large integral order, especially on a computer, one uses the recurrence relations (5)–(7) (see [5]).
Information on tables of cylinder functions can be found in [7], [8], [9].
[1] | G.N. Watson, "A treatise on the theory of Bessel functions" , 1 , Cambridge Univ. Press (1952) |
[2] | H. Bateman (ed.) A. Erdélyi (ed.) et al. (ed.) , Higher transcendental functions , 2. Bessel functions, parabolic cylinder functions, orthogonal polynomials , McGraw-Hill (1953) |
[3] | N.N. Lebedev, "Special functions and their applications" , Prentice-Hall (1965) (Translated from Russian) |
[4] | I.S. Gradshtein, I.M. Ryzhik, "Table of integrals, series and products" , Acad. Press (1980) (Translated from Russian) |
[5] | M. Abramowitz, I.A. Stegun, "Handbook of mathematical functions" , Dover, reprint (1973) pp. Chapts. 9–11 |
[6] | C.W. Clenshaw, "Chebyshev series for mathematical functions" , Math. Tables , 5 , Cambridge Univ. Press (1962) |
[7] | A.L. Lebedev, R.M. Fedorova, "Handbook of mathematical tables" , Moscow (1956) (In Russian) |
[8] | N.M. Burunova, "Mathematical tables" , Moscow (1959) (In Russian) (Completion no. 1) |
[9] | A.A. Fletcher, J.C.P. Miller, L. Rosenhead, L.J. Comrie, "An index of mathematical tables" , 1–2 , Oxford Univ. Press (1962) |
[1] | E.A. Chistova, "Tables of Bessel functions of a real argument and their integrals" , Moscow (1958) (In Russian) |
[2] | L.N. Karmazina, E.A. Chistova, "Tables of Bessel functions of an imaginary argument and their integrals" , Moscow (1958) (In Russian) |
[3] | , Tables of Bessel functions of fractional order , 1–2 , Nat. Bur. Standards (1948–1949) |
[4] | H.K. Crowder, G.C. Francis, "Tables of spherical Bessel functions and ordinary Bessel functions of order half and odd integer of the first and second kind" , Ballistic Res. Lab. Mem. Rep. 1027 (1956) |
[5] | , Tables of spherical Bessel functions , 1–2 , Nat. Bur. Standards (1947) |
[6] | , Tables of the Bessel functions and for complex arguments , Nat. Bur. Standards (1947) |
[7] | , Tables of the Bessel functions and for complex arguments , Nat. Bur. Standards (1950) |
[8] | , Bessel functions III. Zeros and associated values , Roy. Soc. Math. Tables , 7 , Cambridge Univ. Press (1960) |