
Least-favourable distribution

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An a priori distribution maximizing the risk function in a statistical problem of decision making.

Suppose that, based on a realization of a random variable $ X $ with values in a sample space $ ( \mathfrak X , \mathfrak B _ {\mathfrak X} , P _ \theta ) $, $ \theta \in \Theta $, one has to choose a decision $ d $ from a decision space $ ( \mathfrak D , \mathfrak B _ {\mathfrak D} ) $; it is assumed here that the unknown parameter $ \theta $ is a random variable taking values in a sample space $ ( \Theta , \mathfrak B _ \Theta , \pi _ {t} ) $, $ t \in T $. Let $ L( \theta , d) $ be a function representing the loss incurred by adopting the decision $ d $ if the true value of the parameter is $ \theta $. An a priori distribution $ \pi _ {t ^ {*} } $ from the family $ \{ {\pi _ {t} } : {t \in T } \} $ is said to be least favourable for a decision $ d $ in the statistical problem of decision making using the Bayesian approach if

$$ \sup _ {t \in T } \rho ( \pi _ {t} , d) = \ \rho ( \pi _ {t ^ {*} } , d), $$


$$ \rho ( \pi _ {t} , d) = \ \int\limits _ \Theta \int\limits _ {\mathfrak X } L ( \theta , d ( x)) d P _ \theta ( x) d \pi _ {t} ( \theta ) $$

is the risk function, representing the mean loss incurred by adopting the decision $ d $. A least-favourable distribution $ \pi _ {t ^ {*} } $ makes it possible to calculate the "greatest" (on the average) loss $ \rho ( \pi _ {t ^ {*} } , d) $ incurred by adopting $ d $. In practical work one is guided, as a rule, not by the least-favourable distribution, but, on the contrary, strives to adopt a decision that would safeguard one against maximum loss when $ \theta $ varies; this implies a search for a minimax decision $ d ^ {*} $ minimizing the maximum risk, i.e.

$$ \inf _ {d \in \mathfrak D } \ \sup _ {t \in T } \ \rho ( \pi _ {t} , d) = \ \sup _ {t \in T } \ \rho ( \pi _ {t} , d ^ {*} ). $$

When testing a composite statistical hypothesis against a simple alternative, within the Bayesian approach, one defines a least-favourable distribution with the aid of Wald reduction, which may be described as follows. Suppose that, based on a realization of a random variable $ X $, one has to test a composite hypothesis $ H _ {0} $, according to which the distribution law of $ X $ belongs to a family $ H _ {0} = \{ {P _ \theta } : {\theta \in \Theta } \} $, against a simple alternative $ H _ {1} $, according to which $ X $ obeys a law $ Q $; let

$$ p _ \theta ( x) = \frac{dP _ \theta ( x) }{d \mu ( x) } \ \ \textrm{ and } \ \ q ( x) = \frac{dQ ( x) }{d \mu ( x) } , $$

where $ \mu ( \cdot ) $ is a $ \sigma $- finite measure on $ ( \mathfrak X , \mathfrak B _ {\mathfrak X} ) $ and $ \{ {\pi _ {t} } : {t \in T } \} $ is a family of a priori distributions on $ ( \Theta , \mathfrak B _ \Theta ) $. Then, for any $ t \in T $, the composite hypothesis $ H _ {0} $ can be associated with a simple hypothesis $ H _ {t} $, according to which $ X $ obeys the probability law with density

$$ f _ {t} ( x) = \ \int\limits _ \Theta p _ \theta ( x) d \pi _ {t} ( \theta ). $$

By the Neyman–Pearson lemma for testing a simple hypothesis $ H _ {t} $ against a simple alternative $ H _ {1} $, there exists a most-powerful test, based on the likelihood ratio. Let $ \beta _ {t} $ be the power of this test (cf. Power of a statistical test). Then the least-favourable distribution is the a priori distribution $ \pi _ {t ^ {*} } $ from the family $ \{ {\pi _ {t} } : {t \in T } \} $ such that $ \beta _ {t ^ {*} } \leq \beta _ {t} $ for all $ t \in T $. The least-favourable distribution has the property that the density $ f _ {t ^ {*} } ( x) $ of $ X $ under the hypothesis $ H _ {t ^ {*} } $ is the "least distant" from the alternative density $ q ( x) $, i.e. the hypothesis $ H _ {t ^ {*} } $ is the member of the family $ \{ {H _ {t} } : {t \in T } \} $" nearest" to the rival hypothesis $ H _ {1} $. See Bayesian approach.


[1] E.L. Lehmann, "Testing statistical hypotheses" , Wiley (1986)
[2] S. Zachs, "Theory of statistical inference" , Wiley (1971)
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Least-favourable distribution. Encyclopedia of Mathematics. URL:
This article was adapted from an original article by M.S. Nikulin (originator), which appeared in Encyclopedia of Mathematics - ISBN 1402006098. See original article